Welcome Potters and.... uhhhh...

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"Dad… please don't be mad…" Harry whimpered, burying his head into Severus' chest.

"Never at you Harry," Severus kissed his son's head, holding him even tighter. "I'm so sorry Harry, I didn't mean to scare you. I let my emotions get the best of me, I would never hurt you, you know that."

"I'm sorry dad…" Harry cried holding tightly to Severus. It took a few minutes for the calming candy to work its way through his system. When he finally calmed down, he turned, blushing to get off Severus' Lap finally noticing the other man.

" Dad" Harry whispered, "who's that?"

"That my little bird will be explained when the Potter's get here in," he glanced at the grandfather clock in the corner, " twenty five minutes."

"Twenty five! No I have to get dressed! Dray I need your help! Everyone gets dressed!" Harry called over his shoulder as he ran out the door, a chuckling Draco following him. Twenty minutes later, everyone was waiting in the first floor parlor. Everyone except Harry and Draco that is.

"Do we really need to wear robes again? I only just got comfortable wearing muggle clothes." Ron complained to anyone who would listen. Luckily it was Sirius who answered him, as Severus looked rather irritated.

"It is customary to wear formal robes to greet members of high society. If we were to meet the weasleys from now we would have to wear the same robes."

"Seriously? We were in the ranks once?"

"Yes, and yes." Sirius grinned. Ron rolled his eyes, but smiled as Harry finally entered dressed in his green robes. Before he could speak, however, the floo flared green and six people emerged from the fire. The first was an older wizard, maybe his late eighties to early nineties. He had brown hair streaked with grey, and his hair was just as messy as Harry's. His eyes were a light green, matching the robes he wore.

Next came a woman slightly younger than the first man. Her hair was fully grey falling to her waist in a thick braid. Her eyes matched her husband, but her robes were a baby blue. Then came a man in his early fifties, he looked exactly like the man before him, except he was less grey. Behind him came a small blonde woman, she looked to be in her late forties. She had light blue eyes and wore pink robes. Behind her came a young man maybe thirteen, he again looked exactly like his father before him, except he had his mother's blue eyes, and wore magenta robes. And finally a little blonde three year old tumbled out. She wore lavender robes and slippers, and held a pink bunny in her hands. Her eyes oddly enough were violet, and slightly misted over, showing she was a seer.

"Mister Potter, I presume?" The oldest man said staring at Harry with hard eyes.

"Lord Potter-Black actually, but yes that is me and we have much to discuss. Let me start the introductions, I am Lord Hadrian James Potter-Black, the blonde man to my left is Draco Lucius Malfoy. The beautiful blonde to his left is Luna Lovegood-Potter, and behind her we have my godfather, Sirius Orion Black. To my right are Fred and George Weasley, George is the handsome one with only one ear. To their right is their youngest brother Ronald Weasley, and the grumpy looking man somewhere behind me is Severus Snape-Prince. And I'm not sure who this man is but he is here as well."

"Pleasure to meet you, I am Johnathan Potter, and this is my wife Marie Potter nee McKinnon. Our son Lord Hadrian Edmund Potter and his wife Anastasia Potter nee Malfoy. And their children Charlus Potter and Isobel Potter."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, we have one more small group coming through in just a moment if you would like to take a seat," Harry offered waving his hand to the many empty seats around the expanded room. The family nodded and quickly took their seats. Not five minutes later a slightly larger group came tumbling out of the floo. Harry recognized the Malfoys but not the group behind them.

"Lord Malfoy, a pleasure as always, Lady Malfoy heir Malfoy. Would you please introduce your tagalongs?" Harry asked chuckling.

"Of course Harry, this is Lord Nathan Longbottom, and his wife Amelia Longbottom and their son James Longbottom. And the man at the back is-"

"HARRY!" The man shouted running forward and scooping the small man up in a huge hug.

"N-neville? Oh Merlin, Neville!" Harry cried throwing his arms around his friend and crying into his shoulder.

"Circe, I thought is never see you again Harry. What happened? How did you die? " Neville stammered letting go of Harry but leaving his hands on his shoulders.

"It's a long story, but if you'd like to take a seat we are getting ready to tell it." Harry smiled at him. Before he could answer he was tackled by the rest of the family in a large group hug. Once it all settled down everyone took their seats, Neville pulling Harry down next to him.

For the next three hours, they told their story, answering questions until Severus noticed Harry had fallen asleep against Neville. Standing and picking him up he addressed the other families in the room.

" It's late , if you would like we do have rooms you may stay in for the night, and we can talk more in the morning. Or you may return home and come back for breakfast in the morning and we can discuss things further. If you would like to stay please let Eric know and he will show you to available rooms." He said nodding his head towards the butler hiding in the shadows, " but for now we will bid you goodnight."

Severus carried Harry to bed and tucked him in after transfiguring his robes to pajamas. He left the room to see Eric showing the Potter's to some rooms down the hall, and crossed over to his own room. He smiled when he saw Undertaker already asleep in his bed, before changing and crawling in behind him. He fell asleep with a smile on his face.

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