Houndsworth: Um... I'm done with this town...

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Beelzebub POV

His master's friend was hurt, but he didn't seem hurt. Beelzebub could see, and smell, the red liquid coming from his face. But the two legs wasn't leaking the salty clear liquid, he was yelling. The yellow furred two legs smelled of fear, but master's friend wasn't scary, or at least Beelzebub didn't think so. Letting out a small bark, he watched as both two legs turned and looked at him again.

Bounding to the end of the bed, he cleaned master's friends face. He did not like that red liquid, it hurt when it came out. Leaning back, Beelzebub took a final look before nodding, and sitting back down on the squishy bed. Friend, because he was a friend, pinched his nose, letting out a heavy sigh.

Yellow, he had yellow fur, asked friend something. Beelzebub, not really caring to pay attention now, just lay down to roll on the bed. This went on for a while, Beelzebub had started to lightly doze, when he heard a familiar word. It was one he knew, and loved.


Jumping from the bed in his two legs form, he began to lick and nuzzle friend. He tried to guide him to the door to lead him out, but friend walked to a different door. Confused, Beelzebub followed, only to find a large bowl, big enough to fit his natural form. He ran forward, shifting as he ran to jump into the half full bowl. Poking his head up over the side, he barked loudly wagging his tail happily.

Harry's POV

Harry never wanted to do that again in his entire life. Two hours of washing a gigantic demon hound, that was so excited he wouldn't stop jumping around, was not fun. Now he and Dray were soaked, while Sirius and Beelzebub were dry as a bone. Shaking his head, and spraying some water around, Harry grabbed his wand, and cast drying spells on Dray, himself, and the bathroom.

"Next time, I call sitting on the loo while you wash the demon, Siri. I'll give helpful criticism, tell you you missed a spot." Harry said, trying to fix his wild hair.

"Hey, I helped! I told Blondie there he was going to be hit with a tail." Sirius said, pointing at Draco.

"You also sat on your arse, and didn't lift a finger to wash the damn mutt," Draco grumbled. Before Sirius could reply, Harry threw a bundle of clothes at him.

"Since you didn't help to wash, you can dress him. Death will be here in an hour, and we still have to feed the poor pup. Dray and I will go get lunch, we will be back in twenty minutes." Harry grabbed, Draco by the elbow and rushed him out of the room. When they were almost to the kitchen however, Harry was grabbed by the wrist and pushed into a wall.

"You filthy mutt! What are you doing here? I thought you dogs went into town!" Spat Lord Barrymore.

"Hardly, we are two separate groups. You ,however, may wish to hide that dog bite on your leg. Wouldn't do for your town to learn this killing is just a sick sport for you. You may wish to wash the phosphorus off your hands, your nails are glowing." Harry said with a glare, pushing off the wall and walking towards the kitchen again. Lord Barrymore stood shocked watching as both boys walked away.

"Who are you dog?" Barrymore asked.

"I am Lord Potter-Black, third heir to the Queen." Harry said, not even turning to look at the man. Swallowing thickly, Barrymore quickly left the hall to wash his hands. Pity he wouldn't make it in time.

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