Return of the Snakes

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Harry sat looking through swolen eyes at the room around him, hearing ron and hermione struggling with their kidnappers, harry stayed calm. From what he could tell he was in a living room, or maybe a library, he could see the light of the fire, and five new people shaped blobs.

"You'll never guess who we caught Malfoy, we found Potter and his mudblood out in the woods. Not real sure who this other bloke is, but he was with them." said a low rough voice behind harry.

"Fenrir, you have claimed to have found Potter at least five times now, why should we believe you?" asked the voice of Lucius Malfoy.

"Look for yourself, hes got the scar and every thing." said Fenrir.there was a rustling to the right and then harry heard footsteps coming towards them.

"Well this certainly is Granger, and Weasley but i do not see a scar or any indication that that boy is Harry Potter. Draco come here, you know potter better than i, is this potter or not?" said lucius, and harry heard another set of footsteps coming to the group.

"I c-cant really tell with his face swollen like that, but i dont think so father. It looks more like that transfer student, the one i told you about last year." said the voice of Draco Malfoy.

"Oh well, we will put them in the dungeons with the others anyway. They are with the mudblood, hes probably one too and weasley is a blood traitor, the dark lord will be very pleased."

"You dirty mudblood theif! That sword was in my vault at gringots! You stole it!"Shouted Bellatrix, grabbing hermione as the boys were dragged out and down to the dungeons.

For what felt like hours the boys sat in the dungeon ccell listening to hermione scream. Luna, Olivander, and the goblin griphook were in the cell across from the boys. Luna looked to be catatonic, bleeding from numerous cuts on her torso. Olivander was no better, but atleast he was awake and moving, griphook looked to be mostly unscathed with only a few cuts to his face.

After a while all went quiet upstairs and they heard footseps coming down the stairs. Harry and Ron moved to the back of the cell and watched, waiting to see who it was coming down. Fenrir came to thier cell, looked in and gave a feral grin, then turned and opened the other cell. Grabbing griphook, he proceeded to drag the little goblin by his arm out.

"You boys nest hope your little girly is telling the truth about that sword being a fake. Otherwise she may just die, Bellatrix has never been a forhiving woman." he said as he dragged griphook up the stairs.After a few minutes a new set of footsteps, lighter than Fenrirs, decended the steps.

"Potter, Weasley, come out and help me with these two. Im going to give you a portkey it will take you to hogsmead," came the voice of Draco.

"And why should we trust you Malfoy?" asked Ron.

" Because i am your only chance for escape, i will take you upstairs, grab granger and you will leave." said Draco.

"Fine but if this is a trick, i will kill you," said ron. Draco nodded and opened the door, they grabbed Luna, and Olivander, and slowly made their way upstairs. Silently following draco back to the room, they could hear hermione crying.

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