Early Return and Awkward Moments

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The entire house woke the next morning, to a loud crash that shook the windows, and some very shrill screams. Harry, having been the closest to the noise, jumped out of bed, only to fall flat on his face. Looking behind him, he saw he was Tangled in his sheets. He sighed, dropping his face back to the floor.

"I'm not paid enough for this," he muttered to the floor.

"You are not paid at all master, however I'm sure that could be arranged if you wish to be."

"No, I really don't need anymore money. Why are you here so early death?"

"I was bored."

" Bored? Really?"

"Yes there is only so much paperwork one can do before they get bored. Even I have feelings, Master."

"Oh, sorry… you wanna stay here today? I'm sure we could find a way to entertain you."

"I would, I'd like to get to know you a bit better. But preferably not on the floor… and with some clothes on." Harry blushed, jumping up again and running to his closet to get dressed. Returning a few minutes later in normal clothes, he looked at death and remembered his guests from last night.

"Hey, can you change how you look?"

"Master doesn't like the way I appear?"

"I'm fine with it! But we have guests over and ..."

"Oh I see, how about this?" And suddenly Harry was staring at a purple version of Sebastian. Deaths hair and robes were now a deep purple, and his eyes had changed to a blue.

"Um yeah that's fine, but why would you pick my mate?"

"He is my son." Death shrugged.

" Oh…" Harry said staring blankly at death, then he shook his head and made his way to the door. " Come on then, breakfast should be ready soon. And I'd love to see who was fighting grell to get in here so bad."

"Harry, why was Sebastian in your room? And who hit the house?" Severus asked exiting his room across the hall. He had moved closer to help Harry with his nightmares.

"This is death, but more... normal peopley" Harry said waving vaguely over his shoulder. "And I'd guess it was grell and who ever he pissed off this morning. Morning Undertaker."

"Hehe morning Harry, Lord death." Undertaker said trying to hide behind Severus.

"Undertaker, you are retired, I can't do anything to you right now," death said, shaking his head.

"Oh yeah, hehe, I forgot." The small group made their way downstairs, chatting quietly amongst themselves. Harry broke away from the group at the dining room to go check the front door. He needed to see who exactly his mate had pissed off. Imagine his surprise to open the door, only to have Ciel fall against him.

"Ciel, your back!" Harry said hugging the small boy and closing the door.

"We only just got back and wanted to stop in to see you. Well, mostly Sebastian but he's indisposed at the moment."

"He'll be in when they are done I'm sure. Come, I must introduce you to my family from this time." Harry pulled the young lord into the dinning room only to be stopped as Ciel froze, his eyes glued to death. Harry following his gaze chuckled.

"No, that's not Sebastian, that's death only more peopley."

"Peopley? Is that even a word?"

"It is now, it's my word of the day," Harry said proudly. He pulled a still shocked Ciel behind him over to the table and sat him in his seat. No sooner had his bum hit the chair, did a man run in and tackle Harry to the ground. He stared at the pair on the floor, completely lost.

"Gerrof Nev, your squishing me," Harry laughed pushing the man, Nev?, Off. "Ciel, this is Neville my older brother, Nev, this is Ciel my new little brother."

"Pleasure to meet you, your from Harry's other life? From before?" Ciel asked, offering his hand. Neville shook it with a shy smile.


"And Nev, that's death and Undertaker over by dad." Harry said, a wicked smile on his face.

"Dad?!" Neville stared where Harry pointed and paled at the sight of Severus.

"Close your mouth Mister Longbottom, you'll catch flies," Sev said distractedly, his nose buried in his paper. Neville gulped, and punched a chuckling Harry in the arm. "Ten points from Gryffindor, for harming my son." Severus glared over the top of the paper.

"Dad we aren't in school, and you're not a professor anymore." Harry said still chuckling and rubbing his arm.

"It still works, Harry and I can still put you in detention," Severus grinned. Neville just blinked at the two before shaking his head and attempted to sit in the seat next to Harry.

" Not that one Nev the next one over, that one's Luna's." Harry said not looking away from Severus. Neville blinked again, but complied and sat in the other seat. A few minutes later, the others began to pour in slowly. The newcomers looked a bit confused at the seating arrangement and the highchair beside Harry, but held their questions for later. They all spoke peacefully, making small talk as the room filled. That is until Kreacher popped in with breakfast, and sat down.

"You let that beast sit next to you? The filthy elves should stay out of sight, nasty little things that they are. If you were my son I'd-" but we'd never know what Anastasia Potter would do, as she was hit with a silencing charm.

" I am not your son," Harry hissed, slipping into parseltongue. "And if you know what's good for you you will keep your mouth shut before I shut it for you!"

"Did he just-?" Asked Charlus.

"Yeah, you get used to it after a while, just be happy you don't sleep in the same room. Scared the pants off us the first time he forgot the silencing charm. And Miss Potter I would suggest you hold your beliefs. You insult that 'thing' one more time and everyone in this household will come down on you with all the power we possess. And you will not like the outcome." Neville said calmly, smiling softly at the little elf. Too scared to move, everyone waited until Harry had started to eat. Which of course meant after Kreacher had begun.

Breakfast was silent after that, only broken by the mutterings of the Potter-Black Lord. No one was quite sure what to think, until of course he was forced to introduce his two new guests.

"The young lord is Ciel Phantomhive, and the man in purple is death. Give us a minute and the other two should be in."

"Death? Surely you're joking?" Johnathan asked looking around, only to be met with serious looks.

"No, he's death, a bit peopley at the moment but that's him." Suddenly, the doors flew open , causing Harry to yelp and dive under the table.

"And who might they be?" Johnathan asked warily.

"That is Sebastian Michaelis and Grell Sutcliffe, Harry's mates." Death answered in a calm voice.

"Father?" Sebastian asked. Oh this was going to be a fun day indeed.

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