A Day in Diagon Alley

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"So, Ciel where would you like to go first? We have a book shop, the apothecary, a pet shop, a joke shop, and many other shops in this alley alone. You can pick where we go, but I will have to stop at the apothecary, we need more aconite, unicorn horn, and Phoenix tears."

"Uh… let's start there?" Suggested Ciel, pointing to Madam Matilda's robes for all occasions. Nodding, Harry linked their arms and started to guide Ciel to the store.

"Hello dears, just give me a moment, have a customer waiting," said the woman behind the counter. Harry felt a sense of deja vu, because standing on the stool in front of him, was a smaller version of Dray. Chuckling softly, and shaking those thoughts away, Harry calmly store over to the father he could see trying to hide in the corner.

"Excuse me, but you wouldn't happen to be Lord Malfoy, would you?" Harry asked politely.

"Yes, that would be me, may I ask your name child?" asked Lord Malfoy, looking Harry over as if he was bomb about to go off.

"Oh my apologies, I am Lord Hadrian Potter-Black. I have only just recently come back into the area you see, and I remember my guardian telling me about a few families I may meet here today. I must say, it is an absolute honor to meet you sir."

"Oh no, Lord Potter-Black, the pleasure is mine I'm sure. If I may, was there a reason you wanted to talk to me?"

"Well yes, you see I have a friend, more like a brother really, but he looks remarkably like your son there. You see, we are time travelers, and I was merely wondering if it's a coincidence, or a family trait."

"Oh it will be a trait, you see my wife is a Veela, so the looks will pass down through generations. Or at least until another creature marries into the family."

"Huh, the git lied to me, how rude. Ciel, we need to go to the joke shop after this. I have to pay Draco back for lying to me."

"Um… If I may make a suggestion, why don't we all meet up later this week? I would love to meet a relative, especially one from the future if I'm hearing you correctly."

"Of course! Come by our place tomorrow for lunch, the floo name is Potter cottage."

"I look forward to it, we will see you tomorrow Lord Potter-Black." Harry waved as they left, then ushered Ciel onto the stool ordering a robe in blue, but made of silk. It took about thirty minutes, and sixteen galleons, but they were soon off again. Stephen lead them to the joke shop, Harry and Ciel plotting in whispers on how to get back at Draco.

Upon entering the shop however, Harry was tackled by two bodies back out into the dusty street. He was hugged, groped, snakes and kissed before Sebastian and Stephen pulled the bodies off him.

" You know that is the third time today I have landed on my arse. Can't you two greet your brother like normal people?"

"But harry-kins-" started Fred.

"It's been years for us and-"

"Your not supposed to be-"

"Dead yet. We didn't think we would see you for-"

"A few more years! How did you-"

" Die? Was it a death eater?" said George.

" No it was your sister and Hermione. And before you get mad at me, Ron is here too."

" No! He was supposed to get-"

"Married and have a bunch of red and-"

"Brown haired children!" they finished together.

"Well you see, heh… um… That's kind of a long story, and I think he needs to tell you that himself." Harry said, scratching the back of his neck.

" Alright then, we can come home with you-"

"And have a nice long chat with ickle ronnie-kins."

"Fine, but first you have to help us prank Draco, he lied to me and I have to pay him back."

" Gladly!" They chimed, then proceeded to drag the group around the shop. By the time they made it to the register, they had three baskets full of pranks, and evil smiles dancing across their faces. They made a stop at the book shop, where Harry bought Ciel about twenty books. And finally made it to the apothecary, getting the ingredients quickly, and we're soon leaving the alley.

Harry had to promise to bring Ciel back again, but they separated at the carriages. The trip back home was loud, and Harry was hungry. He hoped Kreacher would make him a snack before dinner, as they had all missed lunch. Harry had a sinking feeling that his home would no longer be peaceful.

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