Meet the reaper

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The next day, harry awoke to Scarlett opening his blinds. Stretching, harry got out of bed and headed to have a bath, knowing Scarlett would insist on dressing him today. Entering the bathroom, harry caught sight of a note taped to his mirror. Opening the note, Harry knew he would have to tell Severus and Draco about the reapers.


I hope this finds you well after what happened the other day. I know it is hard, but you must open up to people, you will never know if they like you if you dont. Just look at your new family, they care more for you now than before you told your story. Well, except maybe that bat man, I can never get a decent read on him, I think he may be part vampire.

Harry chuckled, 'yeah you and every student he has ever taught' he thought and continued reading.

Anyway, I am writing to let you know you will have visitors today. You know two of them but the third will be one of my reapers, a rather troublesome reaper if the rumors are to be believed. Your Demon, the young Earl, and my reaper shall arive just before lunch. I tell you this so you shall be prepared and can warn your family, the reaper is rather clumsy.

The reason for the visit is so the Earl may apologize, he has felt horrible about the way you reacted to his question. Do not judge him to harshly, if he had not asked you would have. He will tell you his story today in hopes to gain your forgiveness. In the next few days you will need to go into town to see the Undertaker. You should recieve a message from the queen the morning you go, invite the Earl, he will be of big help for you.

your loyal servant


Setting down the note and sighing, Harry disrobed and crawled into his bath hoping to relax some. After drying and letting Scarlett dress him, harry headed downstairs to the dinning room. Entering the room he swiftly made his way up to the head of the table, seeing everyone sitting he wanted to make his announcement before they set their schedules.

"Good morning everyone, I have been informed we are to recieve guests today before lunch. These guests, or at least one of them, are very important to death and I. We will be having a reaper join us for lunch, along with Earl Phantomhive, and his butler. We will be civil with them at the very least, anyless and you shall be confined to your quarters for the rest of the day, with meals."

Sitting down, he looked to Severus and Draco, but flinched back at the scowls on their faces. Looking down at his breakfast, he suddenly wasnt hungry, but he sat picking at his food until at least Kreacher was done. Setting his fork down he stood and silently left the room, not giving anyone his schedule for the day.

He walked up to the third floor, and entered the secret door behind his parents painting, smiling sadly at their concerned looks. Climbimg the hidden stairs he entered his personal sun room. This room was his true favorite, against the left wall was a pile of cusions for if je ever wannted a nap while here. The back and right walls were windows that lead up to the ceiling, which he had charmed to see the sky.

Walking over to his cushions, Harry lay down and gazed out over his gardens. From this height, harry could see all the way to the shrine. The shrine was made of a small courtyard with several bushes cut into the likeness of those closest to Harry who died. Neville, Sirius, Luna, Remus, Severus, Draco, amd Dumbledore all stood guard over a statue in the center. The statue was of Harry's parents holding a baby Harry, a replica of the one in Godrics Hallow.

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