Jack the Reaper

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"If i had known we would be standing on a corner all night, i would have dressed better." Harry complained, shivering through his thin clothes. "I could have been a male whore, do you know how much they make? And they are so rare here."

"Stop complaining, im just as cold as you are besides, you dont hear Sebastian complaining," Ciel said. Harry looked around for said demon, seeing his tailcoat dosapear around a corner two blocks away.

" Ah, that would be because he is no longer with us, he just ran away."


"Forgive me," the demon said coming back, seemingly empty handed.

"Anyway Harry, we shouldnt be here much longer. The bodys are usually found just after midnight."

"I see, and how long have we been waiting here," harry asked, watching the demon sit against the wall from the corner of his eye.

"It can't have been more than a few hours, Sebastian what are you doing?"

"So soft, so dark, oh you are just so perfect," the demon muttered into his lap.

" Sebastian! what are you doing?!"

"Oh but young Earl, he is just so cute," Sebastian said holding up the poor black kitten he had been molesting.

"I feel so bad for that kitten," Harry muttered to himself.

"Put that thing down you know im allergic to cats!"

" Oi! if your not quiet youll alert jack to our positions tjen he will run," harry told the arguing duo. Just then, a scream echoed down the alley. In seconds the kitten was forgotten and the three were running towards the sound. Stoppong infront of an open door, they heard movement from within. Fingering his wand, harry tried to see inside. A few second of waiting then a body appeared stumbling from the door, covered in blood.

"Grell Sutcliffe, well i mist say this is a surprise," Sebastian said, covering Ciels eyes. Looking up, the man glanced around the group, his eyes locking on Harry.

"Oh Harry," he whimpered, "I-its so horrible, i heard the scream and i ran inside. oh i must have just missed him." Grell flung himself at the smaller man, sobbing into his neck.

"that's interesting," Ciel remarked, moving Sebastian's hand. "We were standing in the only enterace to this alley, you would have had to pass us or still be behind us."

"N-no, i was just walking by and-" Grells weight suddenly disapeared from harrys person. looking around, harry saw Sebastian had Grell held aloft with a hand around his throat.

"I never thought id see one of your kind doing work like this, or lowering himself to being a butler for a human. Though i must say, you played the bumbling fool rather well."

"Oh do you really think so," Grell asked kicking out of Sebastian's hold, landing on his feet next to Harry again. Pulling out a comb and running it through his hair, it bled red, the new color slowly following the comb. His clothes changed as well, backinto the clothes harry remembered from his meeting with death.

"I did try so hard to make that act so perfect, it was so hard not to break character with this sweet little thing around all the time," Grell said, wrappimg his arms around Harry's waist. Harry shivered, he could just hear undertaker laughing at his current predicament.

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