The nightmares that follow

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~~~~~~~~~~~i am a line~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Harry awoke chained to the wall, hands above his head, in the basement of Malfoy Manor, only two weeks after the death of DracoScreaming for Malfoy to let him go, Harry looked around his cell, and finding Luna in the far corner. UnlikUnlike the last time, she seemed to be at least semi-concious, or atleast her eyes were open, if a little more vacant than usual.

"Luna, are you alright," harry called. Reciving no answer he tried again. "Luna please, i can see your awake, please answer me!" Luna blinked slowly, but continued to stare at the wall.

"Isn't this so much better potter? no more ramblings of fictitious creatures, no more veiled predictions, just silence. If either of you were going to live through tonight, i would recommend getting her to St. Mungo's," came the voice of Lucius.

"Yes, so sad that the poor Savior couldn't save himself and his little seer," said fenrir.

Looking to the door of the cell harry saw the elder Malfoy, fenrir, and six other death eaters looking in. Fear swelled in his chest, squeezing his throat so he couldnt breath.

"Oh yes, we are going to have fun with you tonight Potter. Crucio." a red beam shot from Malfoys wand, hitting Luna in the chest, she didnt even twitch. "See Potter, she has already lost herself, much like that squib Longbottoms parents."

"Leave her alone malfoy!" harry screamed, causing all the deatheatere to laugh.

"Oh i will, but only after we have our fun, boys enjoy." Lucius waved the men forward. They surrounded Luna, each with a knife, and as one stabbed her in her stomache, and agin in her chest. Giving harry a feral, half crazed smile, Fenrir reached down and slit her throat. Harry was screaming, he could feel the tears rolling down his face, he prayed all this was just a dream. Turning to Harry, their bloody knives glinting on the low light, they slowly walked his way.

Harry saw the red light coming his way and closed his eyes. The pain hit him like a train, fire spread through his body, and he screamed. Even with the pain of the curse, he could feel tthe knoves slicing away at his chest, could feel the blood flowing down his chest.

When the curse was lifted, he opened his eyes to see another spell coming his way. As the blue beam hit his arm, he could feel it snap and again he screamed. Spelled came from everywhere, hitting him all over. Through his screams he could hear the men laughing, and he could feel somethimg buildimg in his chest. He had never felt pain this severe, it was worse than Voldemorts crucio.

Harry felt his magic gathering, filling every part of his body, and with his next scream it exploded from his body. The shackles released and harry dragged himself to Luna's corpse as the deatheaters went flying. findimg his wand still in his pocket, harry stood, holdimg Luna and apparated away.

~*dream end*~

Harry woke with a shout, sweat coating his skin, looking around he saw he was safe in his room. Harry wrapped his arms around himself and cried. Shaking his cries soon turned to screams and his door opened.

"Harry, calm down its ok it was just a dream," severus said as he rushed to the bed and gathered the boy in his arms.

"Sev, is he going to be alright?" Draco asked in a whisper.

"Honestly Draco... i dont know. Harrys nightmares have always been bad, but this seems worse than usual. I have no idea what effect this will have on him after telling his story tonight" Felling harry still shaking. and clutching his shirt, Severus began to rock, rubbing Harry's back soothingly, until he felt the body go limp in his arms. Laying harry back down, He stood and ushered Draco out.

"Best get back to bed, im sure he will be up again in a few hours, and we all need our sleep." Closing the door they headed back to their rooms, both worried about the young man alone in his room.


Harry was back, at hogwarts it was the middle of the battle. Harry was running. He wasnt sure where, but he knew he had to get there and fast. As he came upon the whomping willow he saw two people fighting, set apart from the rest. Neville and Bellatrix were fighting, bellatrix pushing Neville back towards the tree. Harry fearing for his friends life ran down the hill towards them, wanting to get them away from the demented tree.

Harry fired spells left and right on his way, hitting death eaters with bone breaking hexes, and blood boiling curses. He made sure to hit Malfoy with a vicious sectumsempera. He was soon within shouting distance of the duel.

"Neville, tuen around! Move away, its the willow!" Harry shouted.

Startled Neville looked away from the duel to harry, then turned his head to the tree. Almost in slow motion harry watched as the tree swung at Neville as he tuened his face back wide eyed to Harry. Its swing collided with nevilles head knocking it from his shoulders, and sending it rolling away into the Forrest.

Screaming, harry threw curses down to Bellatrix, pushing her back into the trees range. With a twisted smile, he watched as the tree swung two branches at her in different directions. He laughed at her shocked look, as the tree cut her body in half. Walking closer he saw she was still alive.

"This is for Neville, His parents, and Sirius you bitch," Harry said grinning. Raising his wand he he pointed it directly at the witches black heart. "Avada Kedavera."

~*dream end*~

For the second time that night harry awoke, tears falling down his face. Covering his face with his hands, harry cried, he was a murderer. Harry cried for Neville, for Sirius, and for Luna, finally mourning his losses after so long. Hearing the door open yet again, he looked up to see Draco in the doorway. He didnt say a word, just walked over to the bed crawled under the covers and pulled harry down to him.

Burrying his face in the blondes chest, harry cried relishing the comfort he was given. Soon both boys were asleep again, and when morning came, Harry would feel lighter than ever after having a nightmare.

~~~~~~~~~~~~sneaky lions~~~~~~~~~~~

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