A Busy Morning

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The next morning literally started with a bang, scaring half the house. The twins sat bolt upright in bed, looking for the gun they heard. Ron quickly crawled under his bed, having had a nightmare about Aragog again. Sirius grabbed his wand, then promptly fell to the floor, landing on his nose. Severus, Draco, John, Eric, Stephen and Claude rolled their eyes and proceeded to get dressed for their day. Beatrice and Scarlett, having yet to be punished, jumped in fright, and hurried to set the dining table.

Harry just laughed, having been asleep until the demon and reaper slammed into his window at high speed. Walking over and opening said window, he looked down to see both his mates sprawled three stories below.

"If your finished behaving like children, then you can join me for breakfast the normal way. Otherwise the house will keep you out until you can play nice," Harry chuckled receiving glares from said mates. Closing his window again, Harry made his way to the closet, deciding to forgo his usual morning bath. He took his time getting dressed, as Sebastian and Grell could take a while to calm down.

Twenty minutes later, dressed and shaved, Harry exited his room. As he was walking to the stairs, Draco came out of his own room. Smiling at the blonde Harry stopped and waited for him to catch up.

"So which one was it today?" Draco asked as he caught up to Harry.

" Both, I had wards set so if they are fighting they cannot enter. Likewise if they start fighting in the house, the house shall boot them out until they calm down." Harry laughed.

"Brilliant, is it just them or is it everyone?"

"Everyone, you start a fight, you will be dumped in the yard until you can be civil again."

"Remind me to never get on your bad side, do you know how hard it is to get mud out of this hair? Not to mention my clothes, acromantula silk cannot be cleaned by magic!"

"Speaking of your hair, how attached to it are you?" Harry asked, a sickly sweet smile upon his face.

" No… no Potter please! Not my hair! Please anything but my hair!" Draco cried, holding his hair back as if protecting it.

Harry's only response, was an innocent smile, before he turned and left a whimpering Draco on the stairs. Severus chuckled, scaring Draco, almost making him fall down the stairs.

"Sev, did you hear him? He's going to ruin my hair! You can't let him do this, Sev, It's my hair for Merlin's sake!"

"Yes, I heard, we could all hear your caterwauling. However, you never should have lied to him, Draco."

"I just didn't want him making fun of me like the others…"

"You know Harry isn't like that, you have known this for years. Now, shall we go for breakfast?"

Nodding, Draco followed him the rest of the way down the stairs. Entering the dining room, Draco stopped, Kreacher was in Harry's seat, and Harry was nowhere to be found. Taking his seat next to Kreacher, as both Harry's mates were gone for the morning, he decided to make sure the elf was ok.

"Kreacher, are you alright?"

"Yes Master Draco, Kreacher be fine, it be Kreacher's day off today. Master Harry be cooking today, saying he's be needing calm."

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