A new day: part one

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Phantomhive house*

The next morning, after making his master's breakfast and walking Finny, Mei-rin, and Bard, Sebastian climbed the stairs to wake the young Earl. Thinking back to the night before, Sebastian couldn't believe his master. To ask such a question, and to a virtual stranger at that, was beyond rude. He began to wonder if his master had lost what he had left of a mind.

Entering the masters chambers, He quickly set about gathering clothes for the day. Opening the curtains, he turned to his master, slowly waking from sleep.

"Good morning master, i trust you had a pleasant night's sleep."

"Be quiet Sebastian, i am not in the mood this morning," snapped Ciel. "You will get my breakfast and bring it to my office. What is on the schedule for today?" 'So that's how it will be,' thought Sebastian, beginning to dress the child.

"You have your tutor this morning for arithmetic, french, english, and business from 8 until 10. After you have fencing practice until lunch. Your aunt plans to drop by sometime around one, says she has a request for you. the rest of the day until dinner is free. after dinner you are to cover your business reports of the last week."

"Inform me when Madam Red has arrived, i shall greet her in the library."

"Of course, young master."Sebastian replied finishing dressing the Earl. Sweeping from the room, he made his way back to the kitchen to gather the breakfast. Entering the kitchen, he found bard had set the stove on fire again, and Finny and mey-rin were trying to put it out, all of them running like chickens with their heads cut off.

"Honestly, why did i hire you as a cook if you cant even cook a simple breakfast?" In short order sebastian had the fire out and breakfast ready and set out on the kitchen counter.

"Oh sebastian, is there anything you can't do?" meyrin asked, digging in to her breakfast.

"What kind of butler would I be if I couldn't make breakfast?" Sebastian asked as he took the Earls breakfast up to the dining room table.

After cleaning the breakfast dishes, Sebastian set out to complete his cleaning, and other chores for the day. Starting in the den, he dusted the rug and the furniture, wiped the shelves before straightening the pictures and cleaning the windows. Continuing this way through every room in the house, Sebastian let his mind wander to the new Lord and his family.

'What had come over me, I have never felt this before, maybe i have become ill. Never before have I felt the need to comfort anything but cats, yet as he cried I wanted to wrap Lord Potter-Black in my arms and never let him go. He has such a dangerous aura, so intoxicating- no what am I thinking? He is human, even if he was my mate he would die from our first coupling.'

Shaking his thoughts away, Sebastian headed down to prepare the masters lunch and prep the kettle for tea. Serving lunch to the Earl's office, Sebastian waited for him to finish, before taking the dishes back to the kitchen, and making his way to the door to greet the guests.

Madam Red was dressed in her usual flowing blood red gown, Grell was still a bumbling idiot who couldn't even walk a straight line. Smiling he led them to the library, earning an extra grope to his behind for the trouble.

"See that Grell you should be more like Sebastian" madam red scolded.

"Er right of course madam," grell muttered sullenly.

"If you will excuse me I must fetch the master, please make yourselves comfortable, i won't be but a moment." Sebastian said backing out of the room. Turning he quickly made his way up the the masters office. "Master, Madam Red and the idiot have arrived, they are waiting in the library as requested. I shall make tea and meet you there shortly." he stated, then turned and left to the kitchen.

Re-entering the library carrying the tea, he felt Grell's eyes on his person. Giving the other butler a polite nod, he set about making everyone a cup, and handing them out, then moved to stand behind and to the left of Ciel.

"Oh Sebastian, this is just perfect," Madan red simpered. " You are just perfect!"

"Oh no madam, I am just simply one hell of a butler." Sebastian said with a smile.


"Oh, yes mistress?"

"Learn from Sebastian."

"Oh... yes..."

"Aunty, you know that I enjoy your visits, but why are you here?" Ciel asked in a bored tone.

"Oh I am here to deliver Grell to you so Sebastian can teach him. He's so clumsy, it makes him look like an imbecile, I was hoping Sebastian could teach him how to be a proper Butler." Looking at Grell, they all saw his face reddened with emberacement.

"Well I suppose Sebastian has the time to teach him,"Ciel said with a smirk at Sebastian.

"Perfect!" said Madam Red."Well then, I shall leave you to it." Standing she grabbed her coat and fled the room, and the house. Grell ran after her begging her to give him a second chance.

"Well Sebastian, you have a new task, teach him, and don't let him break anything". Ciel said, rising and leaving the room. Again Sebastian found himself wondering if the master had lost his mind.

~~~~~~~~~~curagious snakes~~~~~~~~~

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