make me a coffin

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A few days later at breakfast, Beatrice came in with a letter she delivered to harry. Deciding to read it after eating, but guessing what it was, harry stated he would have an open schedule and reqrequested Stephen to do the same. Severus and Draco were to spend the day in the lab finishing the potions they needed around the house. Finishing up harry grabbed the letter, asked Stephen to have the carriage ready in an hour, and took it to the library to read.

Lord Potter-Black

I hope this letter finds you in good health, for i have your first assignment. As i am sure you have read in the papers, we have a serial killer in london by the name of 'Jack the Ripper'. These killings are unacceptable, your job is to find him and put an end to him. I have sent word to ciel as well, you are to meet him at his london flat today no later than 9am.


Queen Victoria

Casting a tempus harry saw it was only 7:15, deciding it was better to be early, he made his way downstairs to grab his cloak. Leaving a note foe Draco and Severus, harry went outside to wait for stephen and the carriage. He didn't have to wait long, and soon they were off heading into town. The trip was spent with Harry wondering why they were meeting at a flat, when death had told him to go to the undertaker's first.

Arriving, harry exited the carriage and entered the large building infront of him. Following Stephen upstairs to Ciels flat, he knocked on the door. When it opened, harry was met with red. A woman dressed all in blood red was standing there, her hair as red as her clothes. behind her Harry could see Ciel, and an asian couple.

"Did we come at a bad time," harry asked stepping into the room. Before Ciel could answer harry was blindsided by a body wrapping around him.

" Oh sweet harry you have come back to me! oh i knew you couldnt stay away, oh how ive miased you," squealed Grell hugging harry harder.

"Grell! Get off the boy at once, i thought we were past this," said the woman in red. Grells arms dropped from around him and harry ran behind the closest person as Grell pouted.

" Yes Madam Red, forgive me," said grell hanging his head.

"Harry, this is my aunt, Madam red," Ciel gestured to the red lady. "and this is Lau, and Ram Mao," he geatured to the aisian couple. " Everyone, this is Lord Potter-Black."

"Pleaae call me harry," he said from behind hia human sheild. Looking up harry blushed as he saw he was hiding behind Sebastian. The memories of their last visit fashed through harrys mind, making his blush deepen. Easing out from behing the smirking demon harry made his way over to Ciel.

" So you recieved a letter as well?" harry asked willing his blush away.

"Yes, i thought we could go to the undertaker first. i have the detective reports, we can go over them on the way."

"Alright lets go, i suddenly feel like an animal in a zoo." They left the building and all got into ciels carriage, Stephen driving harrys behind them. Harry ended up between Ciel and Grell, with a hand sneaking under his leg every few minutes. Ariving at undertaker's building, harry fled the carriage running inside.

"Undertaker i need a coffin!" he screamed. getting grabbed from behind he was dragged into a ciffin with a body behind him.

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