Explanations Continued

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"Do you expect us to know these people? And you didn't answer my son's question, you thief." The last part Anastasia said quietly though the whole room still heard it.

"Well, sir," Harry said with a smirk, "they are all the answer to his question."

"You impertinent little-" her words were cut off by her husband casting a silencing charm.

"Could you maybe explain it a little more? I'm afraid we are all still a bit lost." The room nodded in agreement.

"Well, to put it simply, they are all the same person. A lonely, abused young man, who grew up never knowing love of any kind. He became bitter and cold as he grew, coming to hate his only living family. He turned himself into a monster, gathering followers with promises of power and fame. You see he was a descendant of Salazar Slytherin, and the last of his line. However he was a half blood, his mother, afraid of her powers, pushed them down until she was nothing more than a squib. His father, a muggle his mother fancied from the window, under a love potion."

"Shortly after he was conceived, his mother stopped the potion, believing his father truly loved her. Or at least would stay for their child, but it was not the case. She died giving birth to him on December thirty first, living only long enough to name him. Tom after his muggle father, Marvolo after her own, and he gained the last name of Riddle from his father as well. However, he never let anyone know of his parentage, thinking it an awful secret. So he changed his name, and killed his father. Slowly he began to kill more and more often, creating vile pieces of magic." Marie Potter gasped, staring at Harry, wide eyed when he nodded.

"The magic he used to create these… objects, slowly drove him mad, completely nutters! Well years have passed, he started a war killing anyone who was muggleborn, or muggle. Even some half-bloods died in the first war. It all came to an end however one Halloween night. You see, for how smart he had been in school, Tom believed in a prophecy. A self fulfilling prophecy at that, but he had only heard of half of it. So going off what he had heard, he deduced that there were only two people who fit the description. Two boys were born the same day, one pure blood and one half blood. The prophecy had said he would mark him as his equal, so ignoring half the words, he chose the half-blood."

"The family had gone into hiding under fidelius, also knowing of the prophecy. They had, however, chosen the wrong man to be their secret keeper. The man, Peter Petigrew, had sold them out to Voldemort, gaining protection in return. So Voldemort, now knowing their location attacked, and he never left anyone alive. Except this time, there was more at work behind the scenes. The mother had placed a strong blood charm on her son, activating when she died protecting him. The charm, which no I don't know, reflected the killing curse, rebounding it right back. The babe didn't get out unscathed, however he did live. For almost seventeen years he was known as the-boy-who-lived. Rudey annoying if you ask me, all those hyphens."

"And the boy? What happened to him?" Johnathan asked softly.

"Well, that night, he was rescued from the rubble, and taken to his only living relatives, as his godfather, had gone off to find the man who sold the family out. But they were muggles you see, and they hated magic, and were terrified of it. For ten years, the boy was punished for accidental magic, never really knowing how those things happened. He was made to do the chores, while his family sat around and got fat, literally. The males were like whales, ha I rhymed! However, he did get his letter, after many failed attempts at delivery, on his eleventh birthday." Harry smiled at the memory.

"So you know what happens then, you go shopping, and then there's the ride to Hogwarts. He made his first friend on the train, after their family helped him along of course. Then the school, the sorting we all know how it goes. Halloween came, and with it a troll, what a way to enter the magical world right? He got his second friend after he saved her life from said troll. He made the quidditch team, youngest seeker in a century, and was cursed in the middle of his first game. At this point, the three friends were dead set it was the potions master. Come to the end of the year, they had found that the headmaster had hidden a special stone in the school, The philosophers stone."

"The one made by the Flamels?"

"One in the same, but someone was out to steal it. Having gone to a teacher and being blown off, the three friends decided to go and save the stone themselves. There were seven obstacles you had to pass before you reached the stone. A Cerberus, devil snare, charmed keys that flew, a giant chess set, a troll, a logic puzzle, and a mirror. The three eleven year olds passed five, one being knocked out at the chess set. The other two continued to the potions, where the prophecy child moved forward and the other returned to get help. At the mirror, was a follower of Voldemort, trying to use the mirror to get the stone. He used the child, thinking he could get the stone, and he was right. But the boy lied, said he couldn't see it, all he saw was his dead family. A voice from the back of the minions head, a face in the back, he was being possessed by Voldemort. The two fought and the boy won, but Voldemort still got away as a shade."

"His summer was dull, chores and all that, but he had more freedom. His family didn't know he wasn't allowed to use magic. However a mishap with a house elf ruined that, and then he was locked in his room, bars on his window, barely being fed. But a light in the darkness, his friend had come to save him along with his brothers. They took him to their house where he had a blast for the rest of the summer. Then came the second year, and he was accused of being the heir of Slytherin. Everyone hated him that year, he was lost, until he found an old diary, one that would talk back when you wrote in it. It belonged to a T.M. Riddle, Voldemort, but he didn't know that yet. The Chamber of Secrets had been opened that year, and a monster was terrorizing the school."

"The diary was stolen from him, and he and his friends searched endlessly for answers. They finally got some, except it had come at the price of one of them being petrified. They followed clues from there, finally coming to the end of the year, and the abduction of a first year. The two friends entered the chamber with their idiot of a defence professor of the year. They were threatened after he admitted he stole stories from other witches and wizards to make himself famous. He had obliviated them, and planned to do the same to the boys, telling the story of how the three died trying to save the first year. However, he had a broken wand so his memory charm backfired, causing the tunnels they were in to collapse, separating them. The prophecy child continued on, entering the chamber. Well, the diary preserved a memory of a young Tom, who explained his story all while sucking the life and magic from the first year. He called the monster, and the child ran, and tripped waiting to die."

"He was saved by the headmaster's pet Phoenix, Fawkes, and delivered the sorting hat. Pleading for help, the hat gave the boy a sword, but not any sword, the sword of Gryffindor. The monster, now blind fought the boy, yet he still won! But it came at the price of a fang in his arm, poison quickly killing him. Still he took the fang, and with it stabbed the diary that was in the first years hand, destroying the memory. He was healed by phoenix tears, and they made it back out. And this ended the second year."

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