So..... family?

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"Very well, would you be willing to wait until dinner? I would appreciate having my family together for this story. Not to mention we already have to tell it to the Potter's." Severus said, a small sneer on his face at the name.

"The Potter's are a well respected family, you would do well to remember to hold your tongue." The man snapped.

"YOU would do well to remember your manners, Romulus! You know nothing of my past, and you dare to judge my opinions!" Severus screamed pulling his wand.

"Dad no!" Harry pulled the wand from his hand.

"Harry James, you have five seconds to return my wand. One"

"Dad, no. If we aren't allowed to fight neither are you!" Harry took a step back, fear shining in his eyes.

"Two…" Severus took a step forward.

"No! Dray! Help!" Harry took another large step back, his knuckles white around the wand.

"THREE…" Severus took another step, his face now a dark red in his anger.

"Dray!" Harry's back hit the corner.

"FOUR!" Severus was less than three feet away.

"Please…." Harry slid down the wall, tears welling in his eyes. He was white with fear, trembling, but holding tight to the wand in his hands.

"FIVE!" Severus lunged, planning to wrestle the wand from the foolish child.

"Incarcerous!" A white light hit Severus in the back, and within seconds he was bound completely. Draco ran into the room, first seeing Severus bound on the floor. He was ready to scream when his eyes found a second person. Harry was shaking, his eyes glazed in fear, and tears running freely down his cheeks.

"Harry!" Draco ran to him, wrapping his arms around Harry, and pulling him into his lap. "Shh, it's ok now, Harry. Calm down, he's not here, he's gone. It's ok now, please calm down." Draco whispered rubbing the smaller males back, feeling his own tears fall.

"Please, no Uncle, I'll be good! No! Please! I'm sorry!" Harry whimpered curling further into himself. Draco knew he needed help, he needed to talk to Sev and see what had happened here. It was then he realized there was another person in the room.

"Oh, hello, um Kreacher?"

"Yes, Draco calls Kreacher?"

"Yes, could you please bring Luna and some refreshments for our guest please? And a calming drought for Harry, the candy one."

"Yes, Kreacher be getting Mistress Looney, and Masters Candie's." Kreacher snapped, and was gone, only to appear again a few seconds later, a bag full of Candie's in one hand, and Luna's hand in the other.

Luna blinked slowly, before running to dracos side and pulling Harry to her. Holding her hand out to Kreacher, he placed a blue candy in her hand, and she pushed it passed Harry's lips whispering into his ear softly.

"Excuse me sir, but please have a seat. I will be with you in just a moment," Draco said politely to the man staring between Severus and Harry. The man nodded and sat heavily in the nearest chair, watching as Draco sat next to Severus and started to softly speak to him.

He watched in shock as Severus' face drained of color, and he started fighting his bonds. He watched the blonde boy release him, only for Severus to rush over and grab the small boy, holding him to his chest and rocking. He could see tears leave the man's eyes as he held the small boy close, and kissed his forehead. 'Who was this man and how did he know my name? And why does he look like my Severus?'

"Could I maybe get an explanation now? Or at least an introduction?" The man asked. Now Draco got a proper look at the man, and he could see why Severus had been so upset. The man was tall, only slightly taller than Severus. They had the same pale skin, although this man's face was more sunken in than Severus'. And they had the same hooked nose, but that's where the similarities between them ended.

The man on the chair had blonde hair that came down to his waist, but was loosely tied at the base of his neck with a blue ribbon. His eyes were green, but not Harry's green, more like the grass in the gardens. Draco also noticed that his robes were a dark blue, but had silver wisps that moved like smoke across the fabric. Draco knew this man, it was Severus' great grandfather, Romulus Prince. The one who disowned his mother when she was pregnant with him. Draco hated this man, and knew Severus did as well.

"Forgive me, I am Draco Malfoy, the lovely blonde behind me is my little sister, Luna Lovegood. The Raven behind me, who you will not approach until he calms down, is my little brother, Harry Potter. And the man holding him, is our Father, Severus Snape-Prince. You are Romulus Prince, I would guess currently heir Prince."

Romulus nodded, somewhat stunned to learn that this man, who looked like an older version of his dead son, was his family.

"How are you related to me S-Severus?" He flinched at his own stuttering.

"As I said before, you will have to wait until the rest of our guests have arrived. We will only tell this story once, and I'd like to wait for my son to calm down first." Severus sneered, he stood holding Harry bridal style and carrying him to the couch. He held Harry close, humming under his breath while Luna rubbed Harry's back. Draco stood behind them running his fingers through Harry's hair.

'What has that poor boy been through?' Romulus thought, only to jump as the door slammed open to allow three tall red haired men and a man who looked suspiciously like Arcturus Black.

"And who are these gentlemen?" Romulus asked.

"The twins are Fred and George Weasley our older brothers, the one missing an ear is George. The last red haired man is Ronald Weasley, our other older brother, but younger than the twins. And the man glaring death at the side of your head, is Harry's godfather, Sirius Black. Weasleys, Cousin, this is-"

"Romulus Prince, heir to the prince line, it is a pleasure to meet you." Romulus interrupted. He stood and bowed to the room, feeling slightly guilty.


"Harry!" Severus gasped

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