A late night meeting

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Later that night at dinner, Harry told his housemates about what they learned. He then proceeded to tell them about Grell and Sebastians actions, and the order he placed with Undertaker. They all had a good laugh over the coffins, with Draco and severus laughing over Harry's oblivious nature. They explained to him that the two were marking their territory, much like Kreacher had with the kitchen. As dessert was beimg served, the window behind harry shattered.

Jumping up, wands drawn, they turned to the window to find undertaker wrestling with Grell. Sebastian standing off to the side, calm as you please, watching them.

"Merlins beard! Have any of you beasts learned how to use the front door? Or atleast know how to knock before entering ones home?" yelled Severus, sending a stinging hex at the two on the floor. Yelping, they jumped apart, Grell hiding behind Sebastian.

"Our apologies gentlemen," Sebastian started, "but the undertaker here wouldn't stop talking about doing... things."

"Regardless, it is impolite to crash through a window during dessert. Of you will excuse us we intend to finnish our dinner before dealing with ruffians such as yourselves." Draco sniffed before waving his wand and fixing the window. Turning back around, the three sat back down, and started on their dessert. Blinking shocked, the three non-humans walked to the table and sat down.

"As we were saying before the interruption, they are fighting over you harry. Think of it as the one who wins gets permission to court you," draco said.

"So basically, working towards marriage?" asked Harry.

"Exactly hary," Severus said, "they are fighting for the right to date you before marriage. Now, draco and I shall help you through the process, but you have to make the decision. You can say no, but it could cause you to feel as if part of you were missing, as though you were incomplete."

"So, your saying I have the true control? No matter what, how ever this ends is my choice not theirs?"

"Yes, but they can try to influence your decision with gifts or actions, depending what kind of person they are." Draco told him. Nodding harry finished his dessert and set down his fork.

"Excuse us gemtlemen but the Undertaker and I need to have a discussion." Standing Harry motioned with his head for the man to follow him and left the room. Sebastian and Grell rose to follow but were pushed back onto their chairs and stuck there.

" Gentlemen, you are going to leave. you will not return you will keep your fighting outside my house" said Severus in an icy voice scaring both men.

In harrys bedroom, Undertaker and Harry were talking about Harry's coffins.

"So I'll build them, and you will have death put the enchantments on them?" Undertaker asked.

"Yeah, I know the spells, but I'm not sure I'm powerful enough to cast them for your kind."

"Ok, so we have it all planned out, now tell me, how do you feel about knowing what their intentions are. I know you have to be scared, I havent even talked to my mate yet and I'm terrified."

"Wait, you met him already? Who is he? Do I know him... is he hot?"

" Yes, yes yes and hes... downstairs grilling yours for information..."

"What?!" Harry screamed, standing and heading for the door. Grabbing harry and throwing him on the bed, Umdertaker straddled him, sitting on his stomach. Struggling harry tried to buck him off, this went on for several minutes.

Exhausted, harry gave up finally laying still under the larger man. Then, he noticed their position and blushed so hard it spread down his chest, which was bare as he had changed into a pair of sweats to sleep. This was how Severus found them, breathing heavily, Undertaker ontop of a flushed Harry with sweat shining on his chest.

"Er... this isnt what it looks like..." said Undertaker, looking at Severus and blushing.

" Oh so you werent restraining Harry from running downstairs to yell at me for threatening his mates?" asked Severus calmly, a smile twiching at his lips.

" Then its exactly what it looks like," Undertaker laughed.

"If you are finished, I would like a word with you Mr Undertaker."

"oh, um... yes of course" Climbing off Harry, he walked to the door and followed Severus down the hall.

"I do so hate those reapers," Sebastian said, as he ran back to phantomhive manor that night.

~~~~~~~~~~~hell aint so bad~~~~~~~~~~~

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