Is This A Joke?

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As Harry went to step out of the carriage, a small black object had him jumping back. The dungbomb splattered on the back of Grell's head, sending him face first into the dirt. Harry giggled at his mates predicament, until he heard the voices yelling in their direction.

"Oi! You speckle faced git-"

"Git your skinny arse over here!"

"We have more-"

"Where that came from!"

Jumping from the carriage, Harry grabbed Grell by the hand, and booked it into the crowd. Hearing Claude only a few steps behind them, Harry weaved his way through the crowd and into an Alley, finally thankful for his small size. He pushed grell behind some boxes, and crawled inside a barrel nearby.

Listening closely, after casting a silencing and sticking charm on Grell, Harry heard two sets of feet stop at the end of the alley.

"I thought he turned in here."

"No, it was probably that lady in reds nephew that came in every week."

"But it looked just like him, if it was him I'll kill him again."

"Hey, I got first dibs! But your right, we'll kill him."

"Come on, let's look around some, he cant have got far."

Harry heard their footsteps retreat, and softly asked Claude, who was behind his barrel if they were truly gone. After gaining an affirmative answer, Harry left his barrel, and released the charms on Grell.

"Oh harry! Why did you have to do that? Now my clothes are all filthy!" exclaimed Grell.

"Quiet! If they hear you they will come back, I need you to change your clothes to something normal. Your to easy to spot, and I'm fairly certain that they really will kill me if they catch me."

"Fine, but you owe me har-bear!" Grell sang, and changed his appearance back to his butler disguise.

"Good enough, lets go, i want to be quick now." Making their way through the market, harry with his hood up, they quickly made their way to the butcher's shop.

After the butchers, they made their way to the grocers. They spent almost an hour here, mainly because Grell would not stop wondering off and playing with the vegetables. He giggled at the carrots, and cucumbers. He would juggle the lettuce and cabbage, getting them confused the entire time.

Harry finally had enough when a tomato almost smashed into the side of his head. It was only his seeker reflexes that caught it an inch from his ear. Asking Claude to pay for their purchases, Harry dragged Grell out by his hair, Grells feet dragging on the ground behind him.

"If you will not be civilized, I will turn you into my pet for the rest of the day" harry spat in Grells face. It had already been a very hard day for the young lord and he did not need a childish mate making it worse.

"I would suggest a dog, Harry, I know a certain butler who would train him quite well." Turning, they found Ciel and Sebastian standing not five feet away.

"Of course young master, I would train the mutt very well." Sebastian said, an evil grin on his face.

"No! Bad Sebastian!" said harry, Sebastian hung his head, making Grell giggle. "Grell sit! Stay!" Grell sat, and pouted while Harry walked over and hugged Sebastian.

"I'm sorry, he has just gotten on my last damn nerve today! Please come shop with us, I'll take you to the magical Alley as a thank you."

"Alright, we really didn't have much else to do today." Ciel agreed, just as Claude exited the grocier.

"Thank you Claude, now we must stop by the bakery, and then we need to make a trip to diagon. After the bakery, you'll need to drop off the bags with Stephen, or trade places if you would prefer."

"Yes my Lord, Shall we go? I can see our earlier pursuers in the crowd, they are headed this way."

"Yes let's go," Harry grabbed Grell by the arm and started off to the bakery. The others quickly fell in behind them.

"Who are these 'Pursuers' Harry?" asked Ciel.

"I'm fairly certain that they are twins in almost the same situation as my family. No guarantee on that though, never got a look at them only heard their voices."

"Are they identical, tall, pale, covered in freckles and have hair much the same as young rons?" asked Claude.

"Yes, so I'm going to guess that it's them, and they will kill me if they find me. And on that note, look the Bakery!" Harry let go of Grell and quickly ran into the store, leaving the other four to stare after him. They stood there in shock until he came back out twenty minutes later.

"Alright, Claude please take these back to the carriage for me. We are going to head to diagon, either you or Stephen will need to meet us there. We will wait for you inside the bank."

"Yes my Lord." Grabbing the bags Harry held out, Claude turned and strode back to the carriage. Leaving Harry to deal with two gaping men and a giggling child.

"Well Ciel, if they are going to stand like statues, then I guess it will just be you and I in Diagon." Harry linked his arm with a still giggling Ciel and started to lead the way to the hidden alley. About half a minute later, the other two caught up, following silently.

Harry could tell they were keeping an eye out for the twins. Giggling to himself, Harry led them to the leaky cauldron. He got quite a few laughs out of Ciels reaction to learning he had to go inside that worn down building.

"Well if you don't want to come, feel free to stay behind," Harry laughed as he walked through the door. As expected, Ciel was only a step behind him, grumbling about filth the whole time. Leading them through to the back, he tapped the third brick three times and stepped aside so they could watch the gate open.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley," He said bowing and sweeping his hand out. Stepping through behind them, he lead them down the alley to the large white brick building at the end. He again got a kick out of watching ciels reaction to the goblins. But there was another reason he wanted to come to the bank today. He wanted to do an inheritance test, see what all he had inherited besides the Black and Potter house holds.

"Excuse me master goblin, could I get an inheritance test done today?"

"Your name, time Traveller?"

"Harry Potter." Harry wasn't even shocked by the wisdom of the goblins anymore.

"Of course Master death, please follow me," the goblin hopped down and lead them down a long hallway, and into a large room. " Please wait here, Lord Ragnuk will be with you shortly." Sitting in one of the chairs in front of the desk they all patiently waited.


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