Sharing is Caring

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The next morning, Harry had entertained the thought of disapearing into his sun room. But of course, Luna would come get him, bringing him down stairs to face reality. Then ron would set in, about how harry couldnt have them as mates, upseting harry again. Then draco would start in on ron, and they would have a huge fight that would last days. No better to get up now then having to deal with his family fighting.

Getting up, harry dragged his feet getting ready for the day. He really hoped undertaker had dropped off the coffins. He planned on locking both Grell and Sebastian in them, and never letting them out... Ever. Making his way, very slowly, down stairs, harry thought of ways he could break the news to everyone. Entering the dining room he saw everyone was there, including Grell, Sebastian, Ciel, and a giggly undertaker.

"Er... Good morning everyone?" it came out more of a question then harry intended.

"Harry, care to explain why we have guests this early in the morning," inquired severus from his seat.

"Well, undertaker im sure stayed over last night, probably in your room for some fun-"

"Not my guest you brat, your guests."

"Oh, er right... well you see... sebastianandgrellfoundouttheywerebothmymatesanddecidedtofightandgrellgothurtsoibroughthimheretohealandtheothersjustwanttoknowwhyihavetwomates." harry said in one breath. Everyone around the table stared at him, wondering if they were suppose to catch that.

"One more time please harry, and slow down, i will not have you die from lack of oxygen." Severus said calmly.

"Sebastian and Grell faught for dominance last night when they found out they were both my mates. Grell lost, and he was hurt so i brought him back so Kreacher could heal him. Grell and Sebastian probably want to know why they are both my mates, and Ciel is probably just finding this funny," harry sighed before going and taking his seat and picking at his food.

"I think we would like to hear the story as well," Sirius said gesturing to himself and ron.

"Fine, after breakfast ill tell you, but only in the library. Undertaker, you need to go pick up those... special items and bring them here. I have a feeling I'll need them before lunch," Harry said looking over at the demon and reaper who were growling at eachother.

When harry finished breakfast, he had a mate on each side, both trying to help him up and both growling at eachother over his head. Looking to ron for help, the redhead stood and came to his aid, just not in the way he hoped. Ron picked harry up, flung him over his shoulder, and nodding at the two stunned beings, fled the room a cackling sirius one step behind him. Seeing their mate being taken from them, both men ran after the group. Laughing draco and severus stood, draco going to help Ciel out of his chair, while severus kissed undertaker before leaving for the lab.

"Come little Earl, we better follow them or someone will end up dead. Luna i will join you in the gardens after we are done, Undertaker we need those coffins." With a smirk draco led Ciel out of the room and up to the library. Entering the room, Draco and Ciel fell to the floor, laughing to hard to stand anymore. Harry was up on the chandelier, hanging on for dear life, while sirius tried to get him to come down. Ron was being shaken by his neck by an enraged Grell, and Sebastian was trying to climb the bookcases to get to Harry.

Hearing the laughing, they all stopped and turned to look at the door. At that moment harrys grip slipped and he started to fall, closing his eyes he braced for an impact that would never come. He felt two sets of arms wrap around his torso, cocooning him in a protective shield. He opened his eyes to find Sebastian infront of him and Grell behind, pinned to the wall. Harry blushed, realising what the position may look like to others. Dracos laughing resumed with more strength, along with Ciel and Sirius'.

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