old friends, new roommates

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"Dray, did you get the name of the hippogriff that trampled me? I think i want to take him to court, and sue him for half his feathers," said Harry, coming to.

"Well, there was no hippogriff, and I'm not my cousin, but i do have a pain potion," said a voice to Harry's right. Harry bolted upright, looking to the ownee of the voice.

"Sirius!" he yelled launching himself at the man, hugging him close, praying this wasn't a dream.

"Bambi, you know i love you... but i need air!"

"Sorry!" harry squeaked releasing him, but staying in his lap. "Your here, your alive, this isnt a dream is it? If this is a dream, I'm never waking up, ill stay comatose forever."

"But harry, then you wouldnt protect ron from dragon tearing him to shreds," came Luna's voice from the door. Looking up harry saw her and Draco, both smiling at him, before entering and coming to sit on his bed.

"Your right, dray no killing ron until after i talk to him. God this is real, your real," turning with tears in his eyes harry smiled at his godfather.

" Last i checked, now care to enlighten me on how you all died, why you are living with snivilus, and please can i stay?" They spent the next hour telling him about all that had happened after he went through the veil. His arms had curled around harry and had squeezed tighter and tighter as the story went. By the end he was frothing at the mouth.

"Where is the little weasle! I'll kill him myself, how could he turn on you like that! I'll kill him with my bare hands," Sirius screamed, jumping up and storming towards the door.

"Padfoot no! No one can kill him he is still my brother! He shot a stinging hex the girls killed me," yelled harry, stopping sirius in his tracks.

" Harry, he attacked you, over something you had no control over. How can you just forgive him?"

"I havent forgiven him, but i do want to hear him out. Luna said he went through the veil on his own. He killed himself, over my death he basically committed suicide, I'd like to know why."

"Fine, i will give him until tomorrow, but i am sleeping in the next room i wont have him anywhere near you. Not until I trust him not to try to hurt you again."

"Thank you paddy..." harry whispered hugging sirius tightly. " Okay, where are you hiding him, dray" he asked turning to draco.

"Um... sev was in charge of weasl-y, so you would have to ask him," Draco muttered refusing to meet Harry's eyes.

" Hmm, ok no, tell me the truth Draco, where is ron?"

"He might be in the unfinished training room, or the potions lab, or maybe...the dungeons sev added," draco turned and ran from the room knowing harry would be mad. There was a minute of silence, then he yelled.

"Severus Snape!" the doors blew off their himges, flying through the opposite walls. oh yeah he was pissed, Draco almost felt bad for his godfather... Almost. Harry marched downstairs, his magic flying around him destroying everything that wasn't protected.

" Harry, calm down, you must understand-" began Severus.

" Calm down? CALM DOWN?! why do i havedungeon cells in my house! After everything what possessed you to think you could do this? Why the hell would i want those bloody torcher chambers here after everything i went through" screamed Harry.

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