A new day: part 2

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Harry woke slowly the next morning, relishing in the warmth of his bed and the warm body in front of him. Wait-What?! Jerking back, Harry looked up into Draco's sleeping face. 'Oh, that's right, he came in here last night after my nightmare, he must have stayed,' Harry thought flushing with embarrassment. 'Did I really cry all over him?' Burrying his head in the blondes chest, Harry couldn't deny that he felt safe there.

Deciding it was time to get up, Harry eased himself out of bed, taking care not to wake the blonde. Heading to the bathroom with a clean set of clothes, harry bathed and dressed for the day. After checking to make sure Draco was still asleep harry cast a quick tempus.


'Well, may as well head to the library breakfast is still an hour and a half away,' Harry thought heading out of his room. Walking slowly down the hallways, harry thought back to dinner last night. 'Why did I tell him everything? And what was with the Butler, could he be my mate? No, I would have known wouldn't I?'

Entering the library, Harry picked a book at random off a shelf somewhere in the middle, and sat down to read. Quickly losing himself in the history book, Harry didn't think of the demon again that morning.

Back in Harry's bedroom, Draco woke with a start. Looking around he realised he wasn't in his own bed, then he remembered Harry's second nightmare, and crawling into bed with him. getting up he looked around for the little Gryffindor, he couldn't find harry anywhere in his room. Fearing the worst, Draco ran to Severus' room, slamming the door open startling the potions master awake.

"Sev, I can't find Harry!" draco shouted at the half asleep man waking him fully.

"Where all have you looked Draco? Did you check the den, the drawing room, or the library?"

"Er, kind of, I checked his room, and I glanced into the library on my way here but I didn't see him in either room."

"Calm down he is most likely still in the house, lets go check the library thoroughly, if he is not there we shall check the den, and then the drawing room. I do believe we will find him in the library, however, it seems to be his favorite room in the house."

Standing and throwing on his robe, Severus lead a sheepish Draco to the library. Entering the room and looking around, he spotted harry sitting in a large deep blue wingback chair almost hidden by a bookshelf. Pointing at the chair he turned to Draco and whispered, " behold, a wild Harry in its natural habitat. Look how majestic he is curled into a ball, nose in a book , and glasses askew. Watch how he devours the knowledge from the book, how effortlessly he turns a page. Savor it Draco, he is about to be spooked let us hope he does not flee."

Draco couldn't help it, he burst out laughing, scarring harry so bad he dropped his book.

"And what, may I ask is so funny Mr Malfoy?" Harry asked grumpily, bending over to pick up his book from the floor.

"Y-you haha wild Harry m-m-majestic hahaha" Draco said laughing.

"Care to explain, Severus?"

" Certainly, Draco awoke and panicked when he could not find you in your room. He came and woke me up saying you weren't in the house, you had to be gone. I informed him you would probably be here, it being your favorite room, and when we found you, I merely pointed this out to draco."

"I see, and the laughing fit currently cutting off air to his brain?"

"No idea," Severus said with an innocent look on his face.

"Hmm, well how about we head down for breakfast, I dont know about you two but I am starved." Standing Harry placed the book on the coffee table, turned and walked past the giggly blonde, grabbing his arm and dragging him along. Entering the dining room, they each sat in the same seats as the night before. A few minutes later Eric, Stephen, and John entered followed a few minutes later by Scarlett, Beatrice, and Claude. After everyone had sat, they went over their schedules for the day, Draco and Severus looked at Harry confused.

"We go over our schedules in the morning so we know where everyone will be and when if we need them. It will help if you are working on a potion and wish not to be disturbed unless there is an emergency." Harry informed them, giving their nods they both explained their schedules for the day draco planning to join harry in the gardens for a while, having not seen them yet.

Breakfast was served, and Draco was surprised to see an old house elf crawl into a chair that appeared next to Harry. Seeing Harry mouth 'later' he nodded, storing the question away for later. Finishing his breakfast, he followed Harry and John out to the garden.

Dracos jaw dropped, he had thought the Malfoy gardens were the best in the world, now he knew better. paths crossed through the garden sprinkled with benches here and there. A large statue of a snake wrapped around a lion stood in the middle of a beautiful fountain. On the far east side of the garden, harry had set up three green houses, one labeled vegetables, another labeled potions, and the last labeled danger. The rest of the garden was covered in hedges and flowers, both muggle and magical, Harry seeing Draco looking around decided to explain some of his garden.

"The green houses, like at Hogwarts, will grow ingredients year round, all the green houses. We do not enter the last without Severus, Ever. If you traverse to the back of the garden you will find a shrine, to all of those lost to the war, part of me hopes I get to see some of them again, like with you and Severus. I think I'm more afraid of them not remembering me than of them possibly hating me..."

"Harry none of them would ever hate you, it was war they would have understood."

"Maybe, but I may never know now..." Draco wanting to get away from anything that would make sad, so he asked the question from breakfast.

" So who was that house elf, and why was he sitting at the table? Or next to you for that matter?"

"That was Kreacher, the black family elf. He sat next to me at the table because otherwise he wont eat or take care of himself. He led the Hogwarts elves into battle with us, he got hurt pretty bad and being as old as he is, he still isn't quite up to par."

"I see, he is the one who has been awarded the kitchen so I can't have a midnight snack?"

"Yes, you can call him as long as it's not too often at night. He needs his sleep and refuses to let anyone else cook our meals even if he sleeps in." Nodding, Draco started to wander around the garden.

After a few hours, they asked for a light lunch in the library, and for Severus to join them.

"Harry, would you mind going back into town with Draco? There are a few things we are missing for pepper up," said Severus walking into the room and sitting down.

"Oh, I was going to send Stephen to Diagon Alley, I need him to pick up my new wardrobe. I can ask him to stop and pick up your ingredients if you can make a list."

"I already made it, thank you Harry. Since I am free until he returns, I think I shall join you both in the library this afternoon."

Finishing lunch, Harry grabbed his history book and began to read, while Severus and Draco went in search of books. Draco picked a dark arts book and sat across from Harry, while Severus picked a potions book, surprise, and sat next to Harry. Quickly becoming absorbed in their books, they read until dinner.

Walking up stairs later that night, Harry couldn't help but smile. He may not have a mom or dad but he did have two men who cared about him and would make sure he was okay. ''I guess this is good for all the shit my life threw at me before,' thought Harry as he entered his room for the night.

~~~~~~~~~~crow demons rule~~~~~~~~~~

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