Hounds worth: part 2

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Harry awoke the next morning to Draco jumping on his bed. Twisting and pinning the blonde beneath him, Harry laughed at the gobsmacked look on drays face. Laughing and dodging the swings aimed at his face, Harry jumped out of bed and ran to the closet to get dressed. When he finished, he noticed Dray was penning a letter to Severus.

" Tell Dad I said hi, that I'm still alive and that I love stretching my wings." Harry whispered in drays ear, making him jump.

"Merlin potty, don't do that! And I already told him as much, anything else you feel like adding?"

" No, but go get dressed I'll send this off with hed." Grinning as the blonde jumped to do just that. He carefully tied the letter to hedwig, making sure to scratch her chest, before sending her off into the day. Harry stayed at the window for a few minutes, just looking out at the beautiful landscape behind the castle.

"Master." Harry jumped, hitting his head on the windowsill. Spinning around he glared at death.

"Would you mind not doing that? You scared the crud out of me, and why are you a girl now?" Indeed death had appeared as a girl this time. The long thick blonde hair hung down past slender shoulders, about half way down her back. Her black eyes were now blue, and her face was soft. A small smile played along her lips,as if laughing at Harry. She was shorter than Harry now, but not by much, maybe an inch or two.

"I am death, Master. I am neither male nor female, I simply am."

"Ok why do you look like a girl then?"

"I wanted a change, do you not like it? The reapers said I was cute."

" You are, I guess I'm just use to you being a bloke. Anyway, you must have a reason for coming here, what can I do for you, your humble deathy-ness?"

"Indeed… one of my pets seems to have escaped. Well more like he was playing with his handler and they left the gate open."

"So like a dragon, a killer horse, what kinda pet we talking about here?"

"A hellhound, he's just a pup so he's not well trained yet. He is the runt of his litter and the only one who had a single head."

"Ok so look for a killer dog bent on destruction, that has one head… he got a name?"

"Beelzebub." Death said smirking at the look on Harry's face.

"Right, demon dog, demon name. Does he respond to his name?"

"Yes, most of the time. But please do be careful, he likes to breath fire. Also there is an angel about, a corrupted angel."

"Right, avoid Lucifer, find a lost dog, don't die, and figure out what the bloody hell is wrong with this town. This was supposed to be a vacation you know."

"My apologies Master, shall I send you to Avalon after this? Merlin says it's great for a vacation."

" Wha-wait, Merlin!? How the bloody hell- no never mind, I'll think about it but if I go I'm taking the family."

"I expected nothing less master." Death bowed before fading into nothing. Shaking his head Harry wandered out of the room, going downstairs to find the kitchen. He found Angela and Tanaka in the kitchen sitting at the table, staring out the open door. He could hear yelling coming from outside, and decided he didn't want to know. Walking to the stove he started cooking his breakfast.

"Oh no let me get that!" Angela said hurrying over to take over. Harry felt something brush his shoulder as she moved him to the table, but brushed it from his mind. He needed to focus on this lost devil puppy. Lost in his thoughts he didn't notice when everyone filed back into the kitchen, nor did he notice Draco, Sirius, Ciel, or Sebastian entering.

"Oi! Scarhead!" Yelled Draco, throwing a chunk of toast at him.

"What you ferret?" Harry chuckled throwing it back.

"Where'd you go? The brat and his Butler have been trying to talk to you."

" Sorry, lost in my thoughts, what can I do for you?" Harry smiled, linking his hands under his chin.

"We were wondering if you would like to accompany us into town today?" Sebastian asked, concern showing in his eyes.

"Ah, um, no Dray and I were planning to go walk through the woods. Maybe explore some of those paths we saw yesterday." Harry said, scratching the back of his head.

"That's fine," Ciel said, not wanting Harry to feel bad. "But please make sure to take an adult with you."

"Ciel, darling boy, I am an adult," Harry winked making Draco laugh, and Ciel blush.

" You know what I mean! Come on Sebastian." Ciel stalked out, still blushing followed by a grinning Sebastian. Harry laughed, digging into the breakfast that was in front of him.

After breakfast, everyone cleared out, Harry, Draco, and Sirius went to the edge of the woods. Glancing at each other, they all took a few steps in, just enough to cover them from veiw. Within seconds a gryffin, a grim, and a white panther stood where the three men once were. With a bark from the grim they all took off deeper into the woods

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