Where's my Reaper?

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Harry and Severus made their way back upstairs for a late lunch. Kreacher had prepared potato soup for lunch that day. It was one of Harry's favorite foods, behind treacle tart of course.

After lunch, Harry and Severus made their way outside to the gardens. they spent the afternoon walking around and talking. Getting to know each other better and Severus sharing stories of Harry's parents from school.

~scene change~

Up in the library, Draco and Ron were playing a game of chess. Luna was laying across the couch draco was on, her head in his lap, reading a book. Sirius had just gone to the back of the library to find the second book of the seventh son series. He was still amazed that death pulled books from so many different times to make this library for harry.

While Ron was contemplating his next move, Luna froze and started to speak in her dreamy tone.

"One of fire, one of earth

two are chosen for rebirth,

the killing hand youll see again,

with all your soul it finally ends,

one of earth, and one of wind,

once together it finally ends."

"You heard that too right?" Ron asked staring at Luna, who was rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah," said Draco," you want to put it in the pensive, or do you want me to?"

"I'll do it, you can make sure Snape sees it before Harry,"Ron said standing and walking out of the room.

"Oi! Its still your turn, hurry up!" called Draco after him.

"The nargles have given you a warning, you must protect Harry. I dont want to think about the outcome if we leave him be." Luna said quietly, rubbing her head to get rid of the building headache.

"Dont worry Lulu, We aren't going anywhere, if Weasley even thinks about it ill hex him five ways from Sunday."

"No need, I learned my lesson fourth year and again when he died. From now on Luna is the only girl I'll listen to." Ron said, returning to his chair across from Draco. Taking his turn, Ron accioed a headache releiver for Luna. Uncorcking it and passing it to her, he watched as Draco made his last move.

" Check mate," he said grinning as he moved his queen. Draco looked at the board stunned, he had never lost a game before.

"Good game Weasley, thats the first time I have ever lost. You should try teaching harry, he is abismal at this game."

"I tried since first year, if he hasnt gotten it by now he never will. He doesn't have patience for the game, he always wants to move. I swear the sooner he gets the training room done the better."

Draco nodded, completely agreeing with Ron. Resetting the board, they started another game. Luna started to dose off, her head still in Dracos lap, his fingers running through her hair. Sirius came back out of the shelves with five books in his hands.

"Did I miss something" Sirius asked looking at the three.

"Yes, but its in the pensive if you would like to see. But if you watch it say nothing until Harry can veiw it. We can all figure it out together, but not today." Draco said never taking his eyes off the board.

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