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"Boy! Get your arse down here now!"

Flinching, Harry quickly ran down the stairs, knowing it would be worse if he took his time. Entering the kitchen, harry made sure to keep his head down. His black eye still hurt from that morning.

"Boy, I thought I told you to wash the car! You can't do anything right can you, freak!"

" N-no Uncle Vernon..."

"Did I say you could speak," Vernon yelled as his hand swings down across his nephews face. Harry flew back, hitting the wall and slumping to the floor. A large dent was left in the plaster, a perfect fit to his head and shoulders.

" And ruining my house?! You'll pay for this you bloody freak!" Vernon grabbed a pan from the countertop, throwing it at Harry. Curling into the tightest ball he could, Harry felt two of his ribs break.

"Please, I'm sorry Uncle! Please stop! I'm sorry! I'll be good, I swear!" Harry cried as his uncle threw more dishes at him, glass from cups and plates cutting into his back and sides. He wimpered as he heard his uncles belt pull free of his pants. Harry tried to crawl away, getting glass stuck in his chest and hands in his escape.

He felt the slap of the belt against his back, knocking some of the glass away, and pushing some shards further in. Harry screamed in agony, sobbing as blows rained down tearing his back to shreds.

"Please Uncle! I swear, I'll be good! Please stop!"

" Shut up, you bloody freak! You! Will! LEARN!" With every word his uncle brought the belt down harder, harry could feel the blood pooling around his body. He felt cold, his words began to slur, and everything faded away.

*scene change*

"Careful Neville, your doing really well so far, dont blow me up when we are almost done," harry said with a small smile.

"Sorry harry, Hes looking at me again, its making me nervous," Neville. whispered back.

"Hes a git, ignore him. Come on, chop up these roots and pour in the beetle eyes." They were in potions class, making a stomach soother potion. So far harry and nevilles potion was perfect, and there was only five minutes left of class. Turning his head to look at his book, Harry didn't see neville grab the fish scales instead of the beetle eyes.

"Longbottom, Stop!" yelled snape, just before neville dropped the bowl of scales into their potion. The explosion shook the entire room, harry and neville being the only ones to be covered in the potion. Neville wimpered, the potion only making a few bruises pop up along his face and arms.

Harry fell to the ground with a scream of pain, all of his cuts and bruises opening and flairing from vernons last beating. Glass reappeared in his skin as parts started to peal off as if he was being beaten again. Blood was pooling around him again, but he didnt notice trying to escape the phantom belt.

"No Uncle please! Stop!" Harry screamed, shocking the class.

" Potter, calm down and stay still! Longbottom you stupid boy! Where you trying to kill him?" Snape yelled, rushing to harrys side. He touched harrys shoulder, only to have the child scream and try frantically to get away.

"Please! Please I'll be good! Please no!" harry screamed curling into a ball.

" Stupify!" Snape shot the spell at harry, knocking him unconcious once again.

*Scene change*

Harry woke to find himself laying in his bed in the hospital wing. It was dark, He must have slept through the rest of classes. He tried to move his right hand to grab for his glasses, but something heavy was preventing him from doing so. Using his other hand to grab his glasses, harry looked to his right.

Sitting next to his bed, holding his hand under his head, was Professor Snape. Looking to his left harry saw Neville, tear tracks still on his face. He tried to sit up, only to hiss in pain. Looking down he saw his torso was completely wrapped, blood seeping through the gauze. His hiss woke the professor.

"Potter? How do you feel?"

"It hurts... what happened?"

"Longbottom added fish scales instead of beetle eyes, your potion exploded. It seems to have caused your most recent injuries to reappear. Why did you never tell anyone about this Potter?"

"I dont know what your talking about snape."

"I am speaking of you begging your uncle to stop, before you almost bled out on my floor."

"Y-You must have been hearing things."

"Then how did this happen potter?" Harry could tell snape was getting mad.

"I was... i got to close to the willow... i wasnt paying attention..."

" Then where did the glass come from?"

"M-my glasses broke..."

"I see. So if i ask madam Pomfery she will collaborate this story?"

"I-I um..."

"Mr. Potter, your awake. Good, i need to change those bandages. Professor, can you fetch me a pain relief potion from my office while i change these?" said Madam Pomfery, walking into the room.

" Of course Poppy." Snape said, rising from his chair.

"Oh Harry, what am i going to do with you?"

" Love me forever?" Harry asked with a cheeky grin as she unwrapped his bandages.

"I ought to beat you over the head, and leave you to heal naturally. If i didnt fear an infection i probably would, ah thank you Severus," she said taking the potion Snape handed to her. Harry watched as snape sent him one last glare, before stalking out of the hospital wing.

"There you are dear, now you just try to rest. You should be all healed up by lunch tomorrow." Harry sent her a smile as he layed back down. It didnt take long for him to drift off again.

~flashback ends~

Harry sat up gasping for air, feeling the tears still on his face. Looking around, he saw he was in his bed, Severus sleeping at the edge of his bed yet again. Slipping out of the bed, Harry crawled into the mans lap, not caring that he was acting like a child. Severus wrapped his arms around the boy letting him cry. He knew harry would have nightmares after last night.

Giving the boy as much comfort as he could, he held him as he cried. ' Why is it always my boys?' he thought to himself as he lay harry back down later.


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