Meeting the Molfoys

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Harry and Draco entered the drawing room, to find three blondes a brunette and a redhead all glaring at each other. Draco quickly turned and tried to sneak away, only to have his braid grabbed and pulled back to his original spot.

"Lord and Lady Malfoy, Heir Malfoy, I'm very sorry for the rude greeting you have received by these two…. Beings. Give me just a moment and I'll have them out of our sites. Kreacher." called Harry.

" Yes master Harry?"

"Please get dad, let him know we have some dangerous visitors. But first transfer these two down to the holding cells. We will deal with them later."

"Yes Master Harry." With a small pop, all three disappeared. Harry bowed to the three blondes in front of him.

"I am very sorry for their attitude, I did not know they were coming, otherwise I would have pushed our lunch back a bit."

"It's quite alright Lord Potter-Black, I take it they are time travelers as well? And this must be my many times great grandson." Lord Malfoy said, extending his hand forwards.

"Er… Yes, I am Draco Abraxas Malfoy, you must be my great great grandfather Cygnus." Draco said bowing at the waist before shaking Cygnus' hand.

"Oh my, we must have a tradition of waiting until late in life to have our children…"

" No, there's just many things that came in the way, and it wasn't always safe to have children."

"Ah I see, Malfoys always put family above all else. It would make sense to wait until it was safer to have a child." Draco looked down, ashamed at how far the family has fallen from this time. His grandfather had really messed up their traditions.

"Lord and Lady Malfoy, heir Malfoy shall we move this to a more comfortable setting. I do believe drayyy-co is beginning to feel uncomfortable. Your family has changed quite a bit over the years." Harry said leading them into the first floor drawing room, after asking Eric for some beverages.

"Yes," said Lady Malfoy, "I was having a conversation with a friend, through the floor the other day. She said she had never heard of you. In Fact, many of my friends have never heard of you. Lady Potter and Lady Black we're quite confused when they heard about you."

"Ah, um, yeah… I'm not from this time, I came back and was allowed to bring my titles with me. I suppose this really causes some problems for them.." Harry said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Indeed, they were quite shocked to find they had a new head of house after years of no change." Lady Malfoy was glaring at Harry now.

"Oi! It's not Harry's fault! Family or not, no one talks down to him." Draco yelled.

"Dray calm down…" Harry said.

"No Harry! She has no right to look down on you! She knows nothing about you or me! You are my brother, and I will not let them treat you like this!" Both Malfoys looked shocked at the outburst. Surprised that one of their own would dare go against the head of the family.

"You had best watch your tone, Draco. You might find yourself removed from the family." Lady Malfoy said in a cold voice.

" Fine, I am the last of your family from my time. If you are so willing to end your line please be my guest!" Draco shouted, glaring at her.

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