Dealing with People

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After dinner, Harry was pulled aside by Severus, wanting to talk to him in private. Telling Grell he would see him soon, Harry lead Severus to his study, warding and locking the door behind him.

"First of all, it's wonderful to have you home son," Severus said pulling Harry into another hug. This one was longer and tighter than before, it truly made Harry feel as if Severus was his father.

"It's good to be home dad, you have no idea how stressful the last three days have been," Harry whispered.

"Well, catch me up, we have some things to talk about, but it can wait a little while." So Harry told him about his ruined vacation, about Beelzebub, about Lucifer's horrible reaction. Harry told him everything, but Harry loved the shocked look on his dad's face as he learned of his animagus forms. And his smile at the end warmed Harry's heart, even if Snape wasn't his real dad, the pride he had for Harry was something he could never forget.

"It seems your weekend was rather busy, though I hope next time you will actually relax, not work."

"I tried dad, but there is only so much I can say no to. Speaking of saying no, please tell me the Potter's have written back about meeting." Harry pleaded, he was stalling he knew, but he didn't want to deal with the witches *cough* bitches *cough* in the basement. Severus gave him a look, but decided to play along.

"Yes, they informed you they will be over tomorrow night for dinner. Their son, Edmund, is your age, or what age you should have been. However, it seems as though we will be having the Malfoys back as well," Severus said looking at the window. Harry turned, and sure enough, there was the same owl as last time.

"No, no, and no. I can only deal with one angry family at a time, and I choose mine." Harry said. Standing up he walked over to the door and poked his head out, only to scream, "DRACONUS LUCIUS MALFOY GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE AND ANSWER YOUR MAIL!"

"You know, that was incredibly childish Harry," Severus said calmly.

"Oh go fly in the rafters, you old bat." Harry pouted as he sat back down. Only to jump back up a second later, and hide behind Severus. "Daddy save me! He's going to chop off my head!"Harry screamed pointing at the young goblin who had come through the door.

"Greetings Lord death, I am-"

"Oh not this again, I know who you are Griphook… did… did death tell you what I did in the future?"

"No. Should he have?"

"Nope! I like my head exactly where it is." Harry said peeking out from behind Severus' legs, "but then why are you here?"

"I am here to take the criminals into custody."

"Uuummmmm… they are in the basement!" Harry cried happily, pointing to the door to the basement. "Your free to help yourself, but only to the prisoners down there."

"Thank you Lord death." Giving a nod, Griphook made his way downstairs. Severus turned, his eyes wide, only to see the tail end of Harry's cloak leaving the room. A few seconds later, Griphook came back upstairs dragging the two witches by their ankles as they clawed at the floor to get away.

"Oh dear, well this will never do, your ruining the carpet. Well, we can't have that, now can we? Excuse me a moment."

Severus knew that voice, he knew that voice very well. He slowly made his way to the same door Harry had fled from, only to be stopped by a heavy hand on his shoulder.

"You will stay, I dare say we have alot to talk about," the voice said. Severus swallowed, then nodded while turning around, only to see the man throw the two witches into the empty fireplace. Griphook sneered, but nodded his thanks before throwing the powder and screaming "Gringotts".

"Now, inform me why you look like my dead son."

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