Explanations Continued Again

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"Third year was better, the summer was about the same-"

"Except where the boy inflated his abusive aunt like a balloon," Ron grinned.

"Yeah that happened. Anyway, third year was almost normal, new defense professor, he was the best in this story by the way. The only problem this year was an Azkaban escapee. Supposedly the man who betrayed the boy's family to Voldemort. Nothing bad really happened that year-"

"Except he was attacked by dementors three times" the twins cut in.

"Yeah, that happened too." Harry glared at the twins. "The end of the year was the worst, they met the criminal. The funny part was, he was innocent, well of that crime anyway. They found out their defense professor was a werewolf, but he was still a sweet man." Harry hastily added at the angry looks." He hadn't taken his potion that allowed him to keep his mind on wolf form. The godfather saved them, and in return they went back in time and saved him. End of third year, don't you dare add anything!" Harry glared at his friends.

"Fourth year was hell, no other way to put it. There was a tournament, the Triwizard tournament, and the boy was entered. It was for of age wizards only, so when he was chosen he was emancipated, but he didn't know that at the time. He went through three tasks, all of them horrible in their own way. He tied for the last, either way it was a Hogwarts victory. Except the cup that was supposed to take them back to the beginning, took them to a graveyard. The other champion was killed, and the boy's blood was used in a ritual to bring Voldemort back to life. They fought and the boy got away, yay! He took the body of the other champion back, declaring that Voldemort had returned. However, the minister of the time didn't want to believe him, so he called the boy a liar."

"Enter fifth year, and the boy was always called a liar. The ministry had sent their own person in as the new defense professor, a stupid toad. She didn't teach them a thing only letting them learn from reading, there was no practice. Ever. So the students formed groups so they could learn. Well at the end of the year, Voldemort sent a… vision to the boy showing his godfather being tortured at the ministry. So naturally the boy went to save him, only to find a trap set so he could get the prophecy. A fight broke out, a vicious battle between children and terrorists. In the end the boy's godfather died, and fell through the veil of death."

"The next year was both better and worse, better because he was no longer a liar, and worse because the evil potions professor became the defense professor. Well the year was mostly normal, he had lessons with the headmaster, learning about Tom's life before he became the monster he was. That was basically the entire year, until the end. The headmaster had found one of the enchanted objects, and wanted the boy to go with him to destroy it. So they went, but it was a fake, and they returned to the school. Except the terrorists had entered the school, and killed the headmaster just after they returned. A funeral was held and he was buried at Hogwarts."

"The next year was spent with the three friends running from Voldemort, looking for more of these objects and ways to destroy them. They did, but it took almost the entire year until there were only three left. The first of May, the three went back to the school, which was now run by the terrorists. They found one in a special room hidden in the school and destroyed it. However a battle had begun, the light side against the dark side. A pause was called asking the boy to give himself up. He witnessed the potions professor dying, and decided it was the only way. At this point he had the resurrection stone, and used it to have his family walk with him to his death. Unbeknownst to him, he also had the loyalty of the elder wand. He walked willingly to his death, and he died."

Looking around Harry could see everyone was crying or had tears in their eyes. They all knew who the boy was now, they knew it was him.

"But he was given a choice, go back and fight, or move on to the next great adventure. He went back, determined to end this without anymore people dying that didn't have to. And in the end, the elder wand wouldn't work for anyone but him. And so the battle was won, he was no longer one of the objects, and he was finally free." Harry ended his story in a whisper, but it was still heard by everyone. Neville and Luna both moved closer and hugged him, along with Ron.

"How….. Why was a child the one to end a war?" Abraxas asked.

"Because of a prophecy that a mad man believed." Severus answered, also moving to the floor to pull Harry into his lap for a hug. Harry could feel their eyes, their pity, and with a choked sob leaped up and ran from the room.

"I think we all need a break and some lunch, let's all gather again for dinner." Severus said, standing and striding from the room followed by the other time travelers.

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