A trip into town

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A few days later, the garden was done, seven guest rooms, and three family rooms were set up, and Hedwig had gotten a new perch hand made by Stephen. However, as great as things were going settling into the new time and his new house, he was running low on food. Harry knew he would have to brave, and leave his house to brave going into town, and possibly running into past friends and teachers that may or may not remember him. to say he was scared was an understatement, he was down right, piss his pants, terrified.

But he would suck it up, because he was not going to let kreacher and his workers starve. He was sure he could still go a week without eating, he had gone longer at the Dursleys, and if it came to it he would gladly do so. But Kreacher would refuse to eat unless Harry did, then neither would eat. And so as harry gazed out his window, he pulled on his well of Gryffindor courage, he was going into town.

After getting dressed and eating his breakfast, harry called Stephen to bring the carriage, and called Claude to join them. Between the three of them, they should be able to gather, and transport all the food they should need for quite a while. After grabbing, and securing his cloak around his shoulders, harry and Claude climed into the carriage and set off into town.

While the trip was rather long, harrys mind wandered to all the things he would need to pick up. Harry planned to make a trip into the magical side of london, he needed to pick up potions ingredients, a new cauldron, and some owl treats for Hedwig. He also wanted to look at brooms, while he loved his firebolt, it stuck out like a sore thumb and he needed a broom that would fit in in this time.

As soon as they arrived in the muggle shopping district, Claude took point and started leading them from booth to booth, gathering ingredients, and some fruits while harry paid. About half way through their shopping, harry looked up to see the Earls butler, he looked to be shopping for meats, but seemed to be having trouble findimg what he was looking for.

"Excuse me," said harry politely, " but do you need help?"

"It seems as though i do, the young master has requested somethimg called Sheppard's pie, and i cant seem to remember what meats it has." answered Sebastian.

"Did he specify what kind of shepards pie he was wanting? there are a few different recipies."

"No, he just requested shepards pie."

"Well then, for a simple shepards pie you should need, carrots, corn, peas, potatos, lamb or ground beef, and onion. Those are fairly simple ingredients, do you know how to cook shepards pie?"

"I do not, I was going to see if i could find a cook book with the recipe."

"Come to my house and bring your master, we shall serve you dinner tonight, I could make shepards pie in my sleep." Harry froze, why had he said that? He didn't know these people let alone trust them.

" If you are sure Lord Potter-Black, we shall be over at six." Sebastian said with a smirk.

Harry stared dumbfounded after him, what had he just done. Shaking his head, harry turned and walked back to Claude, he must have just lost his mind. They continued their shopping in the muggle district, it didnt take long. Soon it was time to go to diagon alley, the entrance, even in the 1800s is still the leaky cauldron. Passing through the barrier, harry headed straight to gringots, he needed more money wizard and muggle.

After leaving the bank, harry traveled down to Eeylops Owl Emporium first, for his owl treats. After picking up a large bag of owl treats harry was walking through the snake tanks, hoping to find a new pet. Hearing over lapping hissing from all sides was fiving harry a headache though.


~A speaker!~

~Yes i am a speaker, but you are giving me a headache. i only need one of you not all of you, you need to be able to protect my home and my workers if im not around.~

~speaker if i may~a ball python hissed quietly.


~Why dont you use your magic to pick your new pet?~

~That is a very good idea, thank you.~

Harry wandered through the now quiet snakes, letting his magic feel out the perfect pet. when he got to the end of the row he felt his magic pulse, looking down he saw a baby wyvern.

~Would you like to come with me?~

~yes please speaker~

~ill have to name you, how about keada~

~i like it thank you master~

Walking up to the counter, harry requested everything he would need for his new pet and Hedwig's treats. After gathering his purchases, and wrapping keada around his neck, harry headed back down the alley. Pausing outside slug and jiggers apothecary, a wave of sadness came over him, he missed Snape, even of he would never admit it out loud. Opening the door he walked in and headed straight for the cauldrons.

Spending almost two hours in the apothecary, harry was only missing the powdered unicorn horn and the pickled slugs. Going up and down the asles harry found the slugs, but still couldnt find the horn. He decided he would just asask the gentleman at the counter, and was directed to the very back wall on the left side. After gathering what he needed and grabbing a jar of beetle eyes on a whim, harry headed back tothe counter.

Standimg in line, he was third, he let his mind drift, just as he was getting ready to step up to the counter a man bumped into him from behind.

"Oh im sorry sir, i was just..." Harrys words drifted off as je looked up into the mans face.


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