Chapter 3: You Asked For It

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After a month of intensely searching, you found a great apartment close to work to move into. You also lost the extra weight you'd gained, according to the numbers, but when you looked in the mirror it didn't seem like it.

No matter what weight you were at, you never were satisfied with your body. It looked like you became bigger rather than smaller. You knew your mind was playing tricks on you, but it was hard to ignore the reflection.

Today was a bad day, you were specially self-conscious. Even if you supposedly were wearing clothes that were flattering on you. It's like you knew it by heart, but couldn't appreciate it yourself.

You didn't go another day without your mask of make-up since you bumped into Jimin. Not even your uncle saw you without it once after the day you arrived in Seoul.

It was evening when you awaited for your uncle at the company once more. Most people had gone home already, so you were glad the cafeteria in this floor was virtually empty.

Most rooms were offices, so you had nowhere else to wait. You felt awkward sitting at a table with no food in front of you. While the few people around you were having dinner, probably having to work late hours.

You heard a familiar voice call your name and your blood ran cold. Looking up you met eyes with Jimin, who was smiling widely at you. You tried to hold back from fanning yourself, this man.

Instead you instantly wrapped your arms around yourself, holding onto your biceps. You hated how they looked with short sleeves. Jimin thought it was cute, were you shy? He didn't know better.

"For a moment I wasn't sure if it was you" he commented still smiling as he held his tray of food.

Last time you looked like an absolute mess. It was unfortunate he'd had to see that, you lamented. He stared into your eyes for longer than you were comfortable with and then pointed at the chair in front of you.

"Can I sit with you? Do you want some dinner? I'll get you whatever you like" he offered sweetly, but you had already had the little you allowed yourself today.

"I'm just waiting for my uncle, I'm not eating here" you said awkwardly and he nodded.

Jimin went to take a seat and you jumped up from your chair. Quickly holding your hands to the hem of your dress. Please don't look at my thighs, you mentally pleaded.

"Oh, I thought you could join me while I ate. We can keep each other company while your uncle finishes his work" Jimin said with knitted eyebrows and a slight pout on his lips.

He was too adorable as he looked up at you, you hesitated. You really didn't want to make things worse, but he almost looked sad and he was all alone.

You sighed and sat back down. Maybe if you kept your mouth shut and only said the bare minimum, it wouldn't be too bad.

Jimin smiled widely once more when you decided to stay. You looked gorgeous today, you wore a lovely short dress with a belt on your waist and a full face of make up. He wondered where you were going with this elaborate look.

You almost were like a different person as you highlighted your features. They made your cheekbones sharp, your eyes impossibly bigger and your lips extremely kissable.

He absent-mindedly bit onto his bottom lip looking at them and you swallowed self-consciously. What was going through his head? Why was his whole demeanor so seductive?

He is only eating, you reasoned with yourself. His elbow propped up, holding his cheek as he leaned forward slightly to be closer to you. A cheeky side-smile plastered to his face.

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