Chapter 12: Putting the Pieces Together

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Despite not eating much, you were an excellent cook. In a way, cooking for others and feeding them what you wouldn't normally allow yourself to eat was rather comforting. At least you could feel satisfied making it and having someone enjoy it for you.

You each made a small pizza, Hobi and Jimin were impressed about how well you handled the dough and combined your toppings. It was perfectly circular too, while Hobi's looked almost heart shaped and Jimin's was the closest it could be to a circle, but not quite.

"Hold them up for me, I'll take a picture" Hobi ushered you to a side and made you lift up your open boxes to show off your creations. You both smiled brightly for him and then Jimin offered to switch places so his hyung could have his photograph as well.

You walked out of the restaurant carrying your pizzas, they smelled delicious. Your stomach still felt off from the buttery treat you had earlier though, at least you had a real reason to skip lunch now.

Jimin held onto your hand nonchalantly once more and pulled you down a path lined with trees on either side. Balloon-like lamps hung in between the trees.

As you took pictures, you spotted rails to a side and looked around for the entrance to a station.

"Should we take the rail bike? That looks like fun!" you asked excitedly and let go of the younger's hand and ran towards the ticket booth.

"Noona, you're not paying this one!" he darted after you when he realized your intentions. Both of you were giggling uncontrollably and Hoseok just shook his head amused. How adorable could you be? He was happy for his dongsaeng, you seemed to be a very sweet girl.

When he finally reached the booth last, you'd managed to buy two tickets and Jimin had only got to pay his. "Ha!" you chanted victoriously and stuck out your tongue at him when the youngest glared at you.

You were very agitated, you certainly weren't fit enough to run. And all the walking around was tiring you out, you wouldn't last long on foot.

You got on a four-seater bike, you two sat at the front while Hobi took the back seat. All three of you pedaled across the island to get to the stop of your picnic destination. The scenery was beautiful, with the hues of orange, red and yellow adorning the trees and covering the ground.

Jimin couldn't help but glance at you from time to time, just unconsciously smiling as you looked around with wide eyes, taking in every little detail. Your hair blown by the wind and the warm sunlight making your eyes sparkle.

You turned around suddenly and he immediately fixed his eyes forward. Had you felt observed? He wondered as he felt the heat creep up on his cheeks at being caught. Jimin pressed his lips together stifling his nervous laugh.

"What is so funny?" you asked puzzled.

"N-nothing" he said defensively, pretending to be shocked at your question. However, his tone gave him away.

"My hair must look like a bird's nest with the wind, is that it?" you guessed self-consciously, trying to find an explanation.

He shook his head no giggling nervously and you looked down at your lap furrowing your eyebrows. Jimin bit on his bottom lip, you were thinking the opposite of what he was thinking.

"Maybe I can't take my eyes off you" he whispered, facing forward with a little smirk. Hoping only you could hear him and his hyung couldn't read his lips. 

You slapped his arm embarrassed and looked at him in disbelief. These flirty jokes were impossible to take without blushing.

Jimin turned to face you briefly and winked at you. The smug smile still shamelessly plastered to his face.

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