Chapter 58: Ice On My Rink

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Prior to your brother's arrival, you bought a sofa bed and a table. It was high time you did, plus he'd need somewhere to eat that wasn't at the coffee table. You got groceries, making sure to pick up some of his favorite foods and stocked up the fridge as well.

You were nervous about having him around and witnessing your poor eating habits, but you were still trying and you hoped he wouldn't worry about you. In the past you probably wouldn't have even thought of living with someone else due to the stress of having to hide it all.

Jeonghun arrived mid-week and he already looked so much better, his whole demeanor was a lot more spirited and you were so happy you could help him. He signed up to start his classes and started looking for a job according to the skills he developed working for your father for the time being right away.

Your parents weren't pleased, which came as no surprise. Their son was going to go live in Seoul leaving a perfectly stable life, to study some dumb thing related to video games as well as work. Surely he wouldn't be able to handle it, but at least he'd learn a lesson out of this hasty decision.

As for your mom on the topic of you having left that night without saying goodbye, she was mad, but you hadn't returned any of her calls. You felt bad for lashing out at Jimin because of what she said and in the end your boyfriend proved her words were pure bullshit.

You thought your visit to Gwangju would destroy all your progress when it came to your eating disorder, but you ended up feeling more confident in the end. You stood up to your mom, Jimin confessed he was in love with you and you actually managed to eat a bit more than usual.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" you asked your dongsaeng once more as you stood by the door getting ready to go out and he rolled his eyes.

"I told you I'm not going to be third wheeling. I'll be fine, stop worrying."

"Seriously, I'm sure Jimin wouldn't mind it if you wanted to come" you insisted thinking of how he had no friends here and no plans for the weekend.

"I don't want to see you suck face. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be enough of a cockblock living here" he replied without thinking twice and you scrunched your nose at his words.

"I was just trying to be nice" you complained as you slid in your boots.

"So was I, I'm sure your boyfriend would thank me. Have fun" he said goodbye to you and turned back to his paused game on the TV as you made your way out.

Jimin was secretly relieved when he saw you walk up to his car without your brother tagging along. He was a nice guy and everything, but he really wanted to spend time with you and he didn't really have much time to see you personally with his schedule during the working week.

"Hey aegi, ready to go skating?" he greeted you when you got in the passenger's seat and pecked you softly.

"Yes, I'll finally prove it to you that I can skate...on ice" you said looking determined and he chuckled amused at you lifting your hands in little fists more than ready for this moment.

"Where are we going in the end?" you asked curiously, he hadn't made up his mind about which location would be the safest not to be sighted last time you talked. In the end he concluded all of them would be crowded, so he just made sure he was covered from head to toe and hopefully no one would notice.

"The Grand Hyatt rink.*"

"Oh, fancy. Isn't that supposed to be the romantic spot for couples? With its panoramic view at the top of a mountain, trees with fairy lights all around, smooth music and complimentary hot chocolate for couples?" Jimin laughed amused at your assumptions.

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