Chapter 13: Voiced Insecurities

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"Jimin-ah" Hobi called him after a few minutes of silence. The younger one turned to face him with sad eyes, the corners of his lips only curling up ever so slightly.

"Yes, hyung?" he asked softly.

"What happened with you two earlier?" his dongsaeng looked deflated ever since you left and was unusually quiet. Jimin sighed, looking defeated.

"Oh, it was nothing. I must have read her wrong" he replied, shrugging one shoulder lazily.

"What do you mean?"

"I've been overly-confident, but I don't think she likes me more than a friend and I might have pushed her and made her uncomfortable" he explained himself and let his body fall against the car's door.

"I don't know, Jiminie. I think you look very cute together" Hobi commented with a comforting smile and the younger one chuckled humorlessly.

"That's not enough, hyung. People say 'oh, you two would make a cute couple' all the time. It doesn't mean anything" he commented bitterly.

"No, what I mean is you two, doing stuff together...all day long, you looked like you were enjoying yourselves. I was definitely third-wheeling there" Hobi laughed, he didn't mind all that much, if he could help. The day didn't sound as successful to Jimin though and it was heart-breaking.

"Still, I don't think it means she wants anything else. She's just being cute? And sweet and funny. With her witty comebacks at my every word. She's just that kind of fun person to be around, her being that way doesn't mean she likes me back" Jimin's eyes lit up for a few seconds there as he talked and his hyung could tell just how much he longed for a companion.

"Maybe next time"— Hobi started and Jimin put a hand on his shoulder as if asking him to give up, but he didn't —"it should be just the two of you, I might be in the way."

"I don't know" the younger one hesitated, biting on his bottom lip.

"Ask her out on a proper date" his hyung suggested and he furrowed his eyebrows, he had tried taking you out on a date already. It didn't work out. "From what I gather, you didn't last time. You just showed up, right?" Hobi guessed, why did he have to get information for him when he could have asked you instead?

Could that be what you wanted?

For him to be straightforward instead of just hinting at it and teasing? He was being pretty obvious, he thought, but maybe you needed him to be serious. To prove he meant what he was saying and he wasn't just playing with you.

Had you got the wrong idea about him? It was true he could come across as a tease to many. He had to prove this wasn't just good fun to him. One last shot, he'd be clear, he'd be direct.

A wide smile spread across Jimin's face as he looked back at his hyung and he pressed his lips together in a cute dimpled smile looking puzzled. Had he said something that made things better? That was all he wanted, seeing Jimin feeling down brought him down as well.

"You're right. I need to ask her out already" the younger one said, feeling determined now, with a chirpy tone in his voice. Thrilled about the possibility of finally getting answers.

Despite the long day out, Jimin was too excited to easily fall asleep. He tossed and turned in bed, thinking about all the things you could do on your date. It was only when he resolved he'd invite you over to the dorms that he was able to go to sleep satisfied.

He figured you needed privacy, after all you'd met in all these public settings, with other people around. He didn't want to have to worry about being spotted, wearing 10 layers of clothing, covering his face and body so it wasn't obvious it was him walking around. He didn't want interruptions, his focus had to be just you.

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