Chapter 32: No More Holding Back

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Jimin rolled on his back and turned his head to look at your side of the bed. He was sleeping alone. Rubbing his eyes and stretching while sitting at the edge, he finally got up and walked around the bed.

He found his reflection staring back at him from the mirror above your dresser and sighed wondering what you saw when looking in it. He couldn't help but worry every time you were out of sight.

What if you were just lying unconscious somewhere in the apartment? What if you had hit your head? The image of that night at the dorms when he found you came back to him.

"Noona?" he called, walking out of the room and seeing the bathroom door down the hallway open, the lights off.

He made his way past it to walk into the living room connected with the kitchen and saw you facing away. Cooking something on the stove top. Jimin smiled delighted. In all this time he had only seen you make pizza at Nami Island and you seemed to be really good at it.

He tiptoed up to where you were and sneaked behind you. His arms wrapped around your waist making you jump.

"Can you not, Jimin-ah?? I nearly had a stroke!" you breathed out, your hand grabbing the neck of your blouse tightly as your heart pounded. He just smiled sheepishly and laid his chin on your head.

His hands caressed your sides gently and you weren't comfortable with his fingers tracing every inch of your torso. When he was about to reach your stomach your hand shot back and grabbed his wrist, making him freeze his movements on the spot.

"Don't..." you muttered and trailed off not knowing what else to say. You walked away awkwardly, holding the pan and serving a generous plate for him.

Jimin pouted, looking at you frowning as you moved around the kitchen. Looking generally uncomfortable and disturbed.

"Please sit down, breakfast is almost ready" you said pointing at the couch. That's when Jimin noticed you didn't even have a table to sit at. His eyebrows knitted together in concern.

Without a word, he took a seat and waited patiently. Now it was him that looked troubled and you didn't miss it.

"Did you have a good sleep?" you asked hoping nothing was wrong as you set everything in front of him on the coffee table.

He looked up at you and smiled softly, reaching for your hand and making you sit next to him.

"I did. Especially next to you" he really meant it and you blushed at his flirty comment.

"Anyway..." you blurted out embarrassed and showed off the display on the table, pointing at each dish. "I made some jeon, kongnamul bab, hoedupbap* and diced some fruit for you. I hope you'll like it"

"All of this just for me?" he asked feeling touched that you had taken the time to cook not one, but three things for him. At the same time, he was afraid to ask about you.

Jimin saw you pick your cup of coffee from the table and hold it in between your hands to gather some warmth. He carefully wrapped a blanket around your shoulders knowing you were most likely cold between the chilly weather and the lack of calories.

The atmosphere was tense as he ate by himself while you sat there awkwardly. Occasionally scrolling through your phone but not wanting to be rude.

A piece of fruit came into your field of view when Jimin shyly held it up in front of you with his chopsticks. You looked at him, he didn't say a word, but the worried look in his eyes made your heart ache.

"Please" he whispered in an almost inaudible voice and you took the cube with your teeth and slowly chewed on it.

The corners of his lips curled ever so slightly and then he looked away nonchalantly not to make you feel self-conscious. You kept observing him, however, and analyzing his face. His eyebrows furrowed, a stoic countenance and lips pressed together as if holding back comments he didn't want to make.

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