Chapter 74: No Matter How Thorny the Road Is

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You got into bed once more and Jimin threw his arm back around you to hold you close. Hearing you sigh deeply, he squeezed you lightly in an effort to offer comfort, knowing just how frustrated you were.

"Are you okay, aegi? Were you sick again?" he asked with his hoarse sleepy voice. You'd been under a lot of pressure lately and your anxiety had been messing with you.

"Yeah...I should be able to handle this, I can't just tell my doctor to fix my dose because life gets more stressful" you shared and he felt bad, but it was true. He kissed the back of your head sweetly.

"You are going to do great, aegi. It will only take some time to get used to everything that's new to you" Jimin was right, but in the meantime you were worried sick and the nausea wasn't helping with your trying to eat better. Ignoring the thoughts that encouraged you to keep eating less got harder.

With only two months as a Sales Manager in Seoul, the old Director of Sales finally retired and you were offered her position. Other people in your group were pretty bitter about it because they had been working longer in their positions and you'd supposedly only just started.

That didn't help at all when you were now their boss and had to interact with them on daily basis. It was clear they were jealous and didn't like you, but hopefully with time they would get over it as they got to know you instead of judging you by the little they knew. They didn't know half of it.

After getting engaged, you'd discussed moving in together and Jimin decided to furnish the apartment he had bought a while back, mostly as an investment. He had preferred to live at the dorms while the guys were there.

By the time everyone was back from the military though, they'd surely move out separately and sell the dorms as they'd planned. Now he wouldn't feel alone living on his own apartment anymore because you were by his side.

While you were abroad, your brother got a full-time job. Thankfully the company that had hired him considered his potential was good enough to accomodate the time he needed for his studies to theirs.

Jeonghun would only need help paying his classes from now on and he still insisted he'd pay you back eventually. With these news you left him on his own at your old place without worrying and happily moved to Jimin's once everything was ready.

A few hours after you went back to sleep, Jimin got up and started changing to go to work while you lazed around in bed. It was Saturday, but he had a few things to do at HYBE.

"I have an appointment to see Dr. Choi today, he couldn't fit me some time in the week" you shared nervously and he turned to you as he zipped up his pants and buttoned them.

"It's gonna be fine, I'm sure. You've been doing great, aegi" he leaned in with a soft smile and pecked you before putting his t-shirt over his head.

"I don't know, I don't feel good. I don't look good" you pouted and his heart clenched at your gloomy tone.

"Call me if you need me, okay?" he offered in case you felt particularly low and you nodded, but you wouldn't want to bother him unless it was absolutely necessary.

"I can go in a little late so we can have breakfast together, how does that sound?" he knew you were struggling with that and having company was encouraging. Eating alone with your thoughts could be difficult and awkward for you.

"I'm naseous, I don't really want to eat anything right now" that didn't really sound good, but it was understandable. Hopefully you'd have lunch and dinner at least.

"Sit with me while I have mine then?" Jimin suggested to get you out of bed at least, just laying there doing nothing wouldn't help your deflated mood.

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