Chapter 43: Where Did It Go Wrong?

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"Baby" Jimin hummed gruffly in your ear as he back-hugged you. You were only wearing an oversized t-shirt he borrowed from Jungkook's closet over your underwear and you were barefaced.

That had been a huge step for you and he was thrilled that you had felt comfortable enough with him to take it.

Hopefully you hadn't felt pressured to do it after he insisted. You were pretty stubborn though and not the kind that would let themselves be pushed around.

No meant no and he respected that. Sometimes you didn't know what you wanted exactly, but when you made up your mind, there was no swaying you.

"What is it?" you asked sleepily as he nuzzled the nape of your neck, finally waking you up.

He brought his hips closer to your backside and pressed himself against you, getting the point across. You simply groaned and distanced your lower body from him.

"Just wait it out, Jimin-ah. Let me sleep"

With a frustrated sigh, he closed his eyes again. He figured maybe he could make up for last night, it looked like you enjoyed sex with him, but had you even finished the first time you were together? He was too busy to notice.

What if he didn't really satisfy you? What was he doing wrong? Was he not a good fit for you? Was it his length or girth? Was he not hitting the right spot or stimulating you enough? You never complained or asked him to do anything different and now he wasn't sure if you were shy about it.

It was hard to try different things when you had trouble just taking your clothes off for him, maybe the position wasn't doing it for you. He analyzed every little thing trying to figure out what he could do so you could have a real orgasm and was unable to go back to sleep.

Jimin eventually got up and showered while you slept until mid-morning, he had no hurry to leave for Busan as it was only a three and a half hour drive. Plus you needed to take him to Hyundai's vehicle service to pick up his car.

When you woke up, he was fully dressed. He laid on Hobi's bed, one arm folded underneath his head and the other holding his phone as he watched something on it.

You got out of bed and dashed to the bathroom on the other side of the room. Jimin barely looked up to see a blur pass by and laughed softly. It was okay, you probably didn't want him to see you barefaced for longer than necessary.

Last night you had let him undress you until all you had on were your stockings and you had let him keep the lamp on his bedside table on, so he wasn't complaining. He also might have had a good look at you as you peacefully slept.

You looked so cute with your cheek squished against the pillow. Your naturally long lashes fluttered ever so lightly from time to time. He committed that to memory, knowing he didn't get to see you like that all that often. Taking a picture didn't even cross his mind, not with the consequences it could have if you saw it.

After showering, changing and getting ready to go out, you walked out into the room and smiled at Jimin, pleased with yourself and what you had achieved last night. Your boyfriend was still here, he didn't look at you differently, it was a great relief.

"Good morning" you chirped and he smiled widely returning the greeting.

"Did you have a good sleep?" he wondered knowing you couldn't sleep last time without getting ready for bed the way you thought you needed.

"Yeah, did you?"

"Yes, very well" he nodded without hesitating and you smiled satisfied.

"Should we have breakfast?" Jimin offered and you swallowed.

"Okay" you squeaked unsure, but you had to have something.

Getting up from the bed, he stopped next to you, wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pecked you. He instantly let go with a cheeky smirk and walked out of the room to make breakfast.

You sat at the kitchen table, biting on your nails absentmindedly as he made some coffee for both of you. Jimin set a mug in front of you and then took out a couple plates and set them on the counter before turning to you.

"There's oranges to squeeze if you want juice, mandarin oranges, I believe there's some grapes" he said as he checked the fridge and then opened some cupboards, "some nuts, müesli, cereal, Yoongi hyung buys that one for his girlfriend, but I don't think he'd mind if we ate some."

"I'll have some grapes" you requested softly and he gave you a small smile before washing some and handing you a bowl for them. He grabbed a couple mandarin oranges for himself and took a seat next to you.

You slowly popped the grapes one by one in your mouth, feeling your heart race. It's just fruit, it's okay. Jimin noticed how uneasy you looked, you seemed agitated. He knew you were eating, just not how much and he didn't want to insist when you were at least trying.

"Aegi, are you okay?" he asked worriedly as you put the bunch down and brought your hand to your mouth.

"I think I'm gonna be sick" you said, pushing back your chair and running across the living room to the bathroom in the hallway.

Jimin waited for you not to make you uncomfortable and when you came back he looked at you with furrowed eyebrows.

"Are you ill?" he enquired filled with concern. You looked down at your lap as you picked on your nails.

"No" you mumbled feeling nervous about explaining what was going on.

"Aegi, did you...provoke it?" he had to ask, he couldn't overlook it.

"No! No, I didn't" you replied hurriedly. You didn't want him to worry about you more than he already did.

"What's going on?" he insisted, but you needed the little push to get talking once you were willing.

"I have really bad anxiety and sometimes I feel my chest tighten and my stomach turns, I can't help it" you shared softly, feeling your cheeks flush and not daring to look up at Jimin. It was disgusting and shameful.

You felt him place a hand on your shoulder and he slid it down your back, stroking it comfortingly.

"I'm sorry, aegi. That sounds awful" he commented with the sweetest tone of voice, making you look up at his loving gaze. You pressed your lips together, not knowing what to say, he wasn't repulsed by what you had just told him. He did look sad though, the corners of his lips drooped.

Pushing your plate aside, you kept Jimin company while he finished his fruit. He didn't expect you to keep eating, but you'd barely eaten anything and you didn't even keep it down. Patience, he needed to be patient and give you your space and time.

He changed topics trying to rid you of your anxiety, focusing on his own issues instead.

"So...did I get it right? Hard, rough, me leading, babying, praise..." Jimin started listing everything so nonchalantly, lifting his fingers one by one, and stopped abruptly when you choked on your coffee surprised.

" Jimin started listing everything so nonchalantly, lifting his fingers one by one, and stopped abruptly when you choked on your coffee surprised

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