Chapter 4: Waxing Gibbous Phase

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There were only a few days left before the full-moon and Jimin still had no idea how to figure out whose niece you were. It had been two weeks since he'd talked to you.

You'd never mentioned what your uncle did for a living and he had underestimated how hard it would be to find out where you worked. He couldn't go around randomly asking about you either.

It had been silly of him to think he could just find out somehow and surprise you outside of your workplace. It had just been a joke, but wouldn't that have been nice if it worked out? He thought it would be clever and you might finally accept to hang out with him.

He was walking down the hallways of the company when he heard the word niece and it stopped him in his tracks. The man's voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't quiet identify it. Careful not to make any loud clicking sounds with the heels of his shoes, he took a few steps closer to the door behind which this man was.

Another man answered and he smiled to himself widely, it was Hobi talking to him. He could ask him who it was later. Jimin went on his way to one of the many practice rooms satisfied that maybe not all hope was lost yet. He raised his fists and did a little happy dance as he approached the stereo to turn on the music to go over the dance solo he was preparing.

That night he sat on his bed leaning against the headboard, waiting for Hobi to get out of the bathroom of their shared bedroom at the dorms. He walked in after showering and brushing his teeth and sat down on the edge of his own bed to set an alarm for the next day.

"Hobi hyung" Jimin said with a curious tone in his voice the older one could easily identify.

"What is it, Jimin-ah?" he asked turning back to look at him, one of his legs now folded over on the bed and the other hanging from it still.

"How was your day?" his dongsaeng asked with a smile which wasn't really about that one question. He knew him too well by now, but he patiently waited for him to say what he really wanted to say. Hobi smiled sweetly at him.

"It was good, I have to get up really early tomorrow though" his hyung said glancing at the time briefly before fixing eyes with him once more. "What about yours?" hopefully he'd get the hint he didn't have much time for small talk, he always had time for his bandmates though.

"It was alright, the solo is coming along nicely. I want to get your opinion on it if you could come watch me one of these days" Jimin said and Hobi nodded eagerly.

"Of course, any time" so was it that then that he wanted to ask? He'd never say no.

"I walked past one of the recording studios today" his dongsaeng started coyly. This had to be the real question coming, he smirked to himself. "I heard you were talking to someone about their niece" Jimin said and became serious, looking at the older one intently.

"Their niece?" Hobi narrowed his eyes and looked away trying to recall that, if someone mentioned their relative, it was in passing. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows concerned, did he really not remember?

"It was around midday" he added hoping more details could at least help him identify the person he was with at the time.

"Oh, I was working with Pdogg at around that time" his hyung said with knitted eyebrows and lips pressed together.

"What is this about, Jiminie?" he drawled and chuckled amused.

Jimin was now looking away thinking about the producer, he swallowed hesitantly.

"I've come across his niece a few times and she mentioned her uncle. I wanted to know who it was" he shrugged and slipped underneath the sheets pretending it was no big deal.

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