Chapter 37: The Darkness Within

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It was the middle of the night when you carefully slid out of Jimin's arms, trying not to wake him up. Not being a particularly heavy sleeper, he opened one eye and looked at you as you got out of bed.

It was tempting to just grab you by your hips and pull you back in bed, but he contented himself with watching your silhouette walk out of the room. Smiling to himself, he closed his eyes again, already looking forward to resuming the cuddling.

Despite the requests of keeping the lights off and not wanting to be completely naked, Jimin was happy that you trusted him enough to be intimate with him. He hoped that there would come a time when you'd feel more comfortable with yourself, he didn't hold it against you.

Your sitting back on the bed woke him up once more, he wasn't sure how long you'd been gone, but you were now wearing your pyjamas. After laying down, you turned on your side to look at him and were surprised to find out he was actually awake.

"Did you do your make-up?" his sleepy smile suddenly turned upside down and his eyebrows furrowed. He hadn't thought twice about what came out of his mouth because he was drowsy and instantly felt bad about pointing it out so boldly.

Shifting uncomfortably, you looked away without saying a word. You had indeed got up to cover your body and face, the thought that Jimin would see you in the morning worried you so much you couldn't sleep.

He held onto your arm when you went to turn your back to him.

"Aegi, you don't have to do this" he said and gulped, afraid he was about to ruin everything, but he couldn't just leave it at that comment.

"I told you, Jimin-ah. I don't want you to see more."

"We are in the dark" he pointed out, in fact you hadn't even got up to close the curtains.

"For now" you said stubbornly, that changed nothing. The problem was waking up in the morning.

"You don't have to be scared around me, you don't need all that" the more he said, the faster his heart beat in his chest. He was saying all the wrong things, all the things that would have made his blood boil when all he cared about was making others happy. It wasn't about him back then.

"You don't know what you are saying, Jimin-ah" your voice caught in your throat, his words were obviously affecting you and he could hear it.

Sweetly cupping your cheeks, he pecked you and then observed you. You really wanted to look away, this was too much and he was too close. He noticed as you breathed heavily, your full bottom lip parted and tempting. Biting his own lip, he looked in your eyes intently.

"I fell for those eyes first thing and you didn't need any make-up to get my attention."

"Jimin...what are you talking about?" your shaky voice denoted how scary and confusing his words were. How could he have seen you without any? You'd always met him all spruced up. Or...maybe not.

Your blood ran cold at the realization.

"Your hair was up in a high ponytail, out of your face and leaving me to focus on your eyes. There was nothing pretentious about you, but even in joggers I couldn't help but check you out" he chuckled, feeling a little embarrassed that he couldn't help himself.

"Jimi-" he put his index finger over your mouth and smiled amused.

"Just listen to me."

"Then you opened your mouth to talk back to me, do you know how long I'd been hoping for that?"

"Jimin, are you having a stroke?" you questioned him, taking his hand off your face.

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