Chapter 51: Can't Be Free From This Lie

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After that very awkward exchange while you had breakfast, the rest of the morning was better. You played some board games until lunch time and surprisingly you all had the same thing, which was a typical birthday meal for your family, miyeok guk*.

Once you were done helping your mom do the dishes together with Jimin, despite her insisting he needn't stay, your brother suggested you play some video games together like you used to. Jimin let you go first and came to discover you were actually very good, he was surprised it had never come up before.

Feeling confident after beating your brother, he was determined to win against you. You let him pick a game bragging about your skills and he made sure to choose one he knew he was exceptionally good at. Being interested in the design and programming of these, your brother had a huge collection for him to pick from.

"Let's make a bet!" your boyfriend challenged you cheekily.

"Oh, bet! I'm going to win" you were instantly in, no hesitation, and it only fired his competitive side more. "If I win I want to go ice skating before winter is over!" you knew exactly what you wanted, you still needed to show Jimin how good you really were.

"Mm, if I win, I'm taking you to Lotte" he announced giving you a sneaky side glance and you pressed your lips together in amusement.

"And I thought there was no one else but you that got excited about going to the supermarket. A dork for a dork, I guess" your brother rolled his eyes and looked at you two funny. You just snickered at your inner joke and ignored his clueless remark.

"Okay, Jimin-ah. You are going to lose either way, there's these glitter gel pens I've been wanting for my collection there. I win or I win" only you could turn his insinuation into something adorable.

Jimin shook his head endeared with a wide smile and chuckled at your excitement. You both quit the playful banter and focused on the TV once the game loaded, holding onto your controllers tightly, eyes glued on the screen.

Jeonghun was having a blast watching you, Jimin was great at this and he truly put up a fight. He was a worthy opponent. You had years of playing against your brother though and he was quietly rooting for you. Your boyfriend didn't know what was about to hit him, the poor guy.

As the game got more heated, you were both leaning closer to the screen, feet tapping on the carpet nervously and frustrated screams filling the silence in the room when things didn't go as you wanted.

You kept reviving each other to keep fighting the enemy as a team, until you were sure you could handle the rest alone. Before Jimin could realize, he had been killed off a second time and he didn't even know how it happened. He was out for good this time.

"Aaargh" Jimin yelled frustrated pressing his face onto one of the cushions on the couch and fell on his side defeated. Both guys continued to watch you as your number of kills increased, intrigued to know whether you'd survive all on your own.

In the end you victoriously finished, with the better score too. Your boyfriend's confidence was crushed, but he felt strangely at peace with the outcome. You didn't just let him do whatever he wanted, you didn't tell him what he expected to hear.

You kept showing him sides of you that only made you more and more attractive in his eyes. Jimin truly felt fulfilled finally having someone next to him that was true to themselves and to him without reservations.

"How are you so good at this?" your boyfriend exclaimed in disbelief as he sat back down. You simply smirked.

"She's amazing at Warzone, I'm afraid you didn't pick the right game" your brother laughed amused.

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