Chapter 59: Got The Right Body...Not

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The smell of antiseptics hit your nose and your heart started racing, you were afraid to open your eyes to see where you were, but you were pretty sure just by the odor.

Your head was pounding and the last thing you could remember was you were skating with Jimin, but not how you ended up here or why. Everything was going so well and you were having such a great time, but of course something had to happen.

You hated hospitals, as a sickly child you visited them way too often and were poked and prodded. For some reason it was your fault that you ended up there, because then nothing serious came up, it was just you.

By the time you were a pre-teen and your disorder started developing, bringing up something that was worth having checked, your parents were sick of taking you in for nothing and you were more than happy not to have to see any doctors.

It was a given that tests results of any kind would come out all wonky because of your poor habits and while you were passed out, they probably had performed a bunch of them. You were not looking forward to having it rubbed in your face that you were destroying yourself from the inside out.

Tears fell down the sides of your closed eyes, not being able to be contained, and shortly after you felt warmth shielding you from the cold air of the room. Strong arms wrapped around your feeble frame, not too tightly, afraid to hurt you.

"Aegi?" you heard your boyfriend call you hesitantly, not being sure whether you were awake.

You weren't alone as you had thought, Jimin was here with you and your heart clenched. At least he was okay, it was just you who ruined the evening somehow. Was it even the same night? Your mind felt fuzzy, without opening your eyes you still felt woozy.

Dizzy turned into queasy and you pulled away from the hug urgently to retch out the opposite side of the bed. Perfect, what a pretty sight to see, you thought ashamed. Things couldn't get any better, but it was guaranteed they would get worse.

Jimin pressed a button to call a nurse on the headboard behind you and held onto your shoulders, afraid you'd fall over if you were weak, brushing your hair back from over them.

You were clutching the side of the thin mattress, face still facing the floor, and you didn't want to turn around or open your eyes.

He could feel you shaking as you sobbed quietly and he pressed his lips together with a frown. You'd probably hate him for being here to witness this, but he couldn't just wait outside.

It didn't take long for you to wake up, but when one hits their head, it's hard to be able to tell how severe the situation is until some time later, sometimes days, even weeks; so he refused to leave your side.

Thankfully you were only out long enough for the doctors to stitch the deep cut on your scalp shut without much of a problem.

By the time the ambulance arrived, your head wasn't bleeding any less and Jimin was panicking. The paramedic replaced his beanie for a sterile gauze once she made sure your skull wasn't fractured and instructed him to keep it pressed against the cut.

While she performed a basic check-up in the vehicle, she had to replace the cloth a couple times as the blood wouldn't stop soaking it. Just by looking at how the skin wouldn't hold together, she could tell it needed staples or stitches and she tried to reassure him.

Jimin was asked questions about how everything went down and he answered in a low voice, his words seemed to constantly get caught up in his throat. The adrenaline rush still had him shaking and his heart thumping against his rib-cage anxiously.

Your pulse had felt lower than normal and he had freaked out. However, after the quick assessment, she explained to him that this is a common sign of a contusion. They would have to do a more thorough evaluation, but for now she needed him to calm down as well.

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