Chapter 48: Highway to Hell

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"Thank you for coming, I seriously appreciate it" Jeonghun said sincerely on the other side of the phone. He wasn't one to talk much about feelings, but you knew he was at his absolute limit when he opened up.

"It's alright, Jeonghunie" you replied sweetly before rethinking your next few words for the umpteenth time. "I was wondering if you'd mind me bringing my boyfriend along" you muttered unsure.

Your brother had told you about all the things your mother had been talking about anticipating your visit and you were fed up with her. No matter what, you were never good enough.

She had all these expectations about how you should look and you were sure she'd be disappointed you hadn't dropped any weight, hadn't hung out with more people, weren't friends with everyone at work, didn't have the widest circle of friends.

Maybe, just maybe, if she saw someone did actually want you for you, she'd get off your back and leave you alone. So after Jimin asking day and night if he could come along, you had finally given in. Shutting your mom up and being comforted by him? Two birds with one stone.

"Oh, sure. Look at you, I didn't know you were seeing someone. I'm happy for you!" he answered enthusiastically. In your family, your brother was the only one who always truly was happy for you and not for your personal achievements.

"Yeah, just tell mom I'm coming with Jimin, she'll know" you said bitterly. If she was shaken to the core by the revelation that Jimin was actually a man, she had to shut up for sure.

"You've told mom about him?" Jeonghun questioned you, it would be unlike you to tell your mom more than she needed to know.

"Not exactly. She doesn't know we are together. Or that he is a man."

"Oh" he didn't know what to say, not being sure of whether this was a good idea to begin with, but he opted to not give his opinion on it. Knowing you, you'd surely thought about it carefully.

Friday night finally came and you'd taken the day off to pack and get ready. It probably had been a bad idea, since you'd had all that time to think about what was going on this weekend. You gave up trying to eat when you lost count of how many times you were sick.

Maybe it's for the best, mom won't see you bloated at least.

You were in a really dark place right now, you knew you had gained weight eating more frequently and she was bound to comment on it. The last few days that had gone down the drain though and you were secretly pleased even if your body was paying for it.

Hobi and Jimin were going to pick you up after work. They had sent a message to your group chat about an hour and a half ago saying that they were on their way to the dorms and were going to grab their bags and shower before heading to your place.

The doorbell rang and after letting them know you were coming, you grabbed your carry-on and made your way to the elevator. Your legs were shaking and you couldn't tell if it was the anxiety or the lack of calories anymore. It was impossible to hide, surely it would be noticeable and you were nervous.

As the doors slid open, you looked up and met Jimin's wide smile from the distance as he waited on the other side of the main door. You couldn't help but smile back, in the end you were glad he was coming with you and would stay by your side so you didn't have to face your mother alone.

Your dad was going to be there too, he wasn't necessarily a bad man, but he was just never there for you. He had no clue about anything that went on when he was not around, you barely knew him and he barely knew you.

"Hey aegi" Jimin said pecking you and hugging you happily. He was clearly thrilled about you having let him and his hyung join you on your trip. Now you'd be well taken care of, he'd make sure.

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