Chapter 27: What You've Kept to Yourself

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Jimin held you close for a while, until you could finally cry it all out. He didn't know what to say or what to do so when you told him you should put on the movie you were planning to watch, he simply agreed.

For the first time, you cuddled while you watched. The most Jimin had done was wrap his arm around you or nonchalantly drape it along the back of the couch. If you ever held hands, it was for a short time, not all throughout the movie.

When you snuggled up to him seeking the closeness, he didn't think to push you away. He told himself it was fine because you had had a rough week and you'd just opened up to him.

It had come as a huge shock to him. You hadn't ever talked about your issues with food, not even the day he found you passed out in the bathroom at the dorms. He hoped that now that you had let him in, he could help you more actively.

You were glad that Jimin hadn't pushed you to share more after you told him about your eating disorder. You still couldn't believe what you had done, it just happened. Talking feelings was not something you liked to do, again, you hated feeling exposed.

Jimin was understanding and sweet, you had felt that you could share that with him without being judged or risking getting hurt. He had been through his own struggles with food in the past and he was capable of relating more than anyone else you knew.

Just hugging him was nice, you sneakily got close to him and he gladly wrapped his arms around you and pulled the blanket you had over both of you. You were warm inside in your heart and outside, smiling to yourself.

He tensed when he felt you place your hand on his thigh, you ran it up and down it, your fingers barely touching him, sending shivers down his spine. He just remained frozen in place. Finally finding his hand, you wrapped your fingers around his and held it tightly.

Jimin sucked in the air and relaxed, that's what you wanted, his hand. What had he thought? He was enjoying having you close way too much, but he couldn't do anything, he wouldn't let himself. It's for her own good, he reminded himself he had to do what was best for you.

He could still feel his thigh tingling from your touch and he chuckled nervously, so little and he was worked up. Holding back for so long clearly did things to him. You turned to him when he laughed and looked at him puzzled, horror movies were not funny.

"What was that about?" you asked curiously and he cleared his throat as he covertly fixed his pants underneath the blanket. He gave you that very much fake surprised face he frequently did when called out in some way.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, turning his head to look you in the eye. You just rolled yours and shrugged it off. He exhaled relieved once more. This is serious, he encouraged himself mentally to chill.

Your phone started ringing on the coffee table and you glanced at it for a second and ignored it. Jimin saw the name on the flashing screen and turned to you.

"We can pause, I don't mind," he said so you'd take your mom's call.

"That's fine. I'm not picking up" you said without taking your eyes off the screen.

"You should talk to her. Did you tell her about how she made you feel?" his tone was thoughtful, you turned to him with raised eyebrows.

"No, and I won't" you replied dryly and turned your head back to the movie not wanting to have this conversation.

"Maybe she would be more careful if you let her know what made you uncomfortable" Jimin insisted and you huffed frustrated. You heard him inhale to keep talking and you raised your hand.

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