Chapter 15: Cat Out of the Bag

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Jimin grabbed a pillow and buried his face in it, muffling the scream he needed to let out to ease his frustration. Did you really have to go just now? What was the matter with you? He couldn't seem to figure you out. You kept contradicting yourself and he just didn't know what to make of it anymore.

You wouldn't see yourself out, would you? He wondered, feeling anxious as he remembered the day you also left for the restroom all of a sudden and didn't come back. Jimin shook his head, no, you wouldn't if you had agreed to come on this date. Would you?

The minutes passed and you weren't coming back, he started to worry he was right. As he got up from his bed to go looking for you, he couldn't help but feel hurt. He was not trying to play with you, but were you messing with him all along? Provoking him until he gave in to then leave him hanging like this?

He sighed as he slowly walked down the hallway to the bathroom, his breath a little shaky as he hoped he was just imagining things. The light was turned on inside, he could see it coming from under the door. His eyebrows furrowed as he knocked on it and called your name.

No one answered. He knocked again and nothing. Had someone just left the lights on? He carefully opened the door, just in case, and gasped when you came into view. You were laying on the floor unconscious.

He quickly closed behind him and knelt next to you, holding onto your wrist to check your pulse. Had you passed out? What was going on? Taking your hand in his, he felt how cold it was and guilt set in. He was right all along, but he had decided to ignore it. How stupid had he been?

Too busy paying attention to his own needs to really look at you who was in need of help. He had fainted plenty of times when he wasn't eating enough years back. Hopefully it was the case and you'd wake up shortly.

Grabbing a couple towels from the shelf, Jimin covered you so you'd gather some warmth and rolled a second one up to rest your head on it. He sat down, leaning back against the door, and waited. What if he carried you out passed out and someone casually saw him?

He didn't want to make things worse, you'd probably be really upset without that, so he wasn't gonna risk it. Would you push him away when you woke up? He couldn't let you go just like that now, you live by yourself. What if something happens to you? No one would know.

Jimin saw you blink a couple times. You pressed your lips together and shut your eyes tightly, thinking about how you'd get out of this awkward situation. It was not the first time you'd fainted because of not eating, but you didn't see it coming this time. He silently observed you as you took a deep breath.


"Oh my god! You scared me!" you nearly screamed as you saw him sitting there with a concerned expression on his face. He didn't smile at your dramatic answer like he usually would. You swallowed and nervously asked, "what are you doing here?"

"It's been nearly half an hour since you left for the bathroom"— he commented as he looked at his watch to double check — "I had to make sure you were fine."

"I am, I'm sorry" you said in a soft voice, feeling bad he had worried about you. He scooted closer and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight and warm hug. This was an absolute nightmare, he wouldn't wish his past struggles on anyone.

He quietly pulled back after a few seconds and held you at arms length by your shoulders. He looked disappointed and hurt, the sight was upsetting you.

"You haven't eaten anything, have you?" he asked seriously and you blinked in confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know what it is like"— he said with a gloomy tone —"constantly being cold, the shaking, the way you want to hide yourself, how you get upset when people comment on something being off and the passing out..."

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