Chapter 38: I'll Be Home for Christmas

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With Christmas in just a couple weeks Jimin came over to help you decorate. After putting up the tree and decorating it with your new BT21 baubles, shiny garland and colorful lights, you sat around the coffee table to make your own wreaths.

There was an assortment of various twigs of eucalyptus, pine, holly, spruce and yew to make the foliage of the base. To decorate you got small pinecones, colorful mini baubles, little bells, rosehips, berries, crab apples, ribbon and fake snow.

"Wow, this spread is impressive" Jimin commented looking at everything in awe, you took your decorating very seriously.

"Lotte" you commented with a little smirk "it has anything and everything you will ever need."

"It really does" he commented snickering and you side-glanced at him. You were being completely serious. "If you'd told me, I would have gladly taken you myself," Jimin added, looking at you sensually with hooded eyes while biting his bottom lip.

"Cute" you said looking at him with a sweet smile and he dropped his face confused. You weren't flustered? Not one bit?

"Cute? That was cute?" he questioned you exasperated with furrowed eyebrows. He was trying to get you to sleep with him, there was nothing adorable about it.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" you continued to work on entwining the twigs with your wire frame and didn't even look up at him.

"Your definition of cute is really strange" Jimin finally mumbled while getting back to work. You briefly looked up at him and he was pouting, his cheeks puffed out while he looked down at his wreath.

"You're such a pouty baby" you teased him and he looked up at you with raised eyebrows. He threw a twig at your face indignantly.

"Yah! Jimin-ah!"

"What happened to Mr. Park?" he questioned you, that's what you were supposed to call him when he flirted. Now you were just gaping at him.

"I, um" your face flushed at the mention of what you called him when he was overly bold and he smirked, satisfied that he could finally get you.

You both continued to work in silence for a little bit, exclusively focusing on your pieces. When you attached the last few pinecones and glued the fake snow all around, you held it up to show it off to Jimin.

"What do you think?"

"You are a professional at this, I'm not sure about mine" he commented hoping you'd tell him what you thought of his work too.

"Grací. I make one every year!" you got up and headed to the main door to hang it outside right away. After closing it, you walked back and he stared up at you still waiting for you to say something as you looked at his wreath.

"What about mine? Isn't it pretty?" Jimin held it up for you as you sat on the floor next to him and you pressed your lips together amused.

"It is, it's very pretty indeed" you nodded and he still wasn't happy with the answer because you seemed to find it funny for some reason.

"What?" he challenged you, staring at you with wide eyes and you giggled. You knew he got all whiny when he wanted others to compliment him and it was just the cutest thing. It's not that you were laughing at him or his wreath.

Jimin leaned in close to your face, his gaze becoming darker and more intense. He kissed the corner of your lips and whispered raspily, "is this funny, aegi?"

"No" you choked out, being caught off guard by his sudden change. This was most definitely not cute, you swallowed as you could now feel his hot breath on your neck.

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