Chapter Forty

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TW/CW: Hey this chapter is going to feature some scenes that some people might find uncomfortable. Check the book description for specific details.

  "Here you are. All of the files I have on major players in Vale," Junior said as he slid you a manilla folder and a double of whiskey.

  "I appreciate this Xiong. And if you hear anything else, I have more Lien," you said as you took a quick sip from your glass and handed him his second payment. A few moments later you began pouring over the first file. Xiong gave you a quick nod before he went back to cleaning his bar. The place still wasn't open, but that just made it better for avoiding prying eyes. You pulled Torchwick's file out first.

  Name: Roman Torchwick

  Semblance: ???

  Age: 42

  While there's plenty of information on Roman Torchwick's past, his present loyalties are unknown. Despite his personal feelings on the faunus we know he is working for, or at least with, the white fang in some capacity. He has a previous history of armed robbery, kidnapping, and-

  This isn't what I'm looking for. Skip. You thought as you flipped forwards to another file and started reading again.

  Name: Adam Taurus

  Semblance: Damage reflection

  Age: 22

  Adam Taurus is a known white fang radical. Infamous for his hatred of humanity and willingness to act on those urges, Adam Taurus has claimed the lives of many officials working for the SDC, whom he seems to have a particular hatred for.

  Too recognizable. If someone snuck into Beacon it would have to be someone with a lower profile. Next. You thought as you flipped to the final file.

  Name: ???

  Semblance: ???

  Age: ???

  Not much is known about the final player in Vale, save for the fact that they may be in bed with Both Torchwick and the White Fang. Glimpses of them have rarely been seen by both local authorities and my own information network. Based on what little information I've gathered, I've been able to determine that the final player is most likely female, is fairly young, and has an affinity for using dust. I don't have much on Physical traits other than the fact that she is caucasian and has a small tattoo on her back, reminiscent of either a heart or a pair of heels, depending on the particular report.

  You paused. That sounded familiar. Too familiar. It could just be a coincidence. But what if it wasn't. What if you didn't meet by luck. What if that night hadn't been as it seemed. In hindsight, she had laid it on rather thick, hadn't she? You snapped your folder up and slammed the last of your drink before taking off for home. You needed to start locking your doors.

  "Going already?" Junior asked.

  "I have what I came for, thank you," you responded as you quickened your pace. If you ran into her before you knew for sure, well, you might not get the chance to ever figure it out.


  "Come on, come on... pick up!" You muttered to yourself as you paced back and forth, gnawing at the edge of your cheek, "Dammit Joan, I need you t-" the sound of the line clicking interrupted you.

  "(Y/N)? It's four in the morning. What could you possibly want?" Your sister's voice came on your scroll.

  "I think I have something, but I'm not sure," you responded.

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