Chapter Twenty

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  "It's alright kid, I've got you," Qrow said as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and waist before standing. He cradled your head against his bicep as he picked you up, leaving Char forgotten in the dirt and allowing your cape to drag along the ground. "You did really god kid, in Thorne, in just making it here, in trying to keep these people safe," Qrow said as he carried you towards his bullhead.

  "...ook I just want to say goodbye," someone said. You groaned as you reached for your head. 

  "No, you don't. You want to try and persuade him to stay," another voice replied. You blinked a few times as you tried to adjust your eyes to your surroundings. There was a bit of blood in one of them, but they seemed uninjured.

  "If he wants to stay is that a crime?" The first voice replied. You recognized it a bit now that you were fully conscious.

  Hel? You thought.

  "I'm not letting some stranger snatch away my brother!" The second voice hissed. You recognized it too.

  Joan? You thought before sitting up. This was not good. It took a second for your eyes to adjust to the light streaming in from the outside but you were in a bullhead. Your sister, Joan, was currently doing everything within her power to stop your lover, Hel, from entering the vehicle. Aside from them however, the bullhead was devoid of people. You let out a groan to alert the girls to your conscious state. Joan's neck snapped in your direction before she rushed over, followed swiftly by Hel.

  "Are you alright-" Hel started before being cut off by Joan,

  "What were you thinking! Do you know how worried we all were! Trying to fight Raven Branwen of all people! That's practically suicide!"

  "Hey cut him some slack, he saved the whole town!" Hel interrupted.

  "Alright, alright, enough," You wheezed, "Joan give me and Hel a second." Joan shot you a death glare. You sighed, "Please." Joan bit her lip before speaking,

  "I'll be right outside." Hel watched Joan as she left the bullhead.

  "Your sister seems... nice?" Hel asked more than stated as she knelt beside the cot you were currently laying on.

  "Yeah, yeah, she's an ass," you responded. Hel chuckled at that.

  "I suppose you'll be going back to beacon?" Hel asked. You could hear the sadness in her voice. She had gotten attached. You let out a sigh,

  "Yeah, sorry Hel but this is goodbye." Hel grimaced at your words.

  "Don't suppose I'll ever see you again, armrest?" She feigned a smile, but you could see the pain in her eyes.

  "Sorry Hel but this is the end of the line. It was good knowing you but I can't spend the rest of my days here," You replied. It hurt. Not the breakup itself per say, but hurting Hel? Yeah, that was enough to make your heart ache.

  "I could come with, you know?" Hel asked. You shook your head as you rubbed your temples with your off hand, reaching for your flask with your main. Hel produced hers instead, shaking it in front of you. You took your hand off you face and stole a drink from the flask before speaking,

  "Don't make this harder than it already is, Hel." Hel took her flask back silently before leaving the bullhead. She stopped at the exit to look back at you before departing. For good.


  "Hey, (Y/N)," an unfamiliar voice asked you. You didn't recognize it at first, but as you examined the glasses on her face, glasses you were sure were Pat's, you understood.

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