Chapter One

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Okay so, the idea for this fic is based on a few others I've seen. Basically the name Arcfall should give the ship you'll be seeing in the future away, but it's going to be awhile before we get there. Also, I'm experimenting with my writing and the Idea behind this is we're going to see occasional flash-forwards of events that have yet to happen. Italics represent inner thoughts! The fic might start with you as a kid but by the beginning of V1 episode 1 you'll be 21 and a full-fledged huntsman. That will be where the real meat of this story is so don't expect a ton of things before then, just enough to really build the relationship between the characters. That's all for now. Enjoy~


  "(Y/N)!" A shout from downstairs woke you from your slumber.

  Ugh, what time is it? You opened your eyes to see the sun clearly streaming through your blinds. Time to get up, I suppose.

  "(Y/N)!" You heard again, this time from just outside your door, followed by a few knocks.

  It's probably mom, if I had to guess. "Yeah?" You asked, sitting upright.

  "Wake up your brother and come downstairs! Joan has come home for a visit!" Joan was one of your five sisters, and the oldest of the Arc children. You and Jaune were the only boys, and as such you shared a room. You looked down at the lump of blonde hair that had been curled up next to your chest only moments ago. You carried Jaune back to his bed, only to wake him in the process.

  "Oops-" you started.

  "I'm sorry!" Jaune interrupted, untangling himself from your arms. You heard a plop sound as pumpkin pete fell from Jaune's arms.

  "It's alright Lil J. Nightmares again?" Jaune nodded, his eyes glued to the floor. You knelt and picked up Pete before handing him to Jaune. "I get it bro. Time to get up now, though. Joan's here." Jaune brightened at that, rushing over to his closet and grabbing a pair of jeans. You chuckled at the sight while placing a white hoodie with the Arc symbol on the back on yourself. You think it was your father's, originally, but it had passed hands so many times that you weren't sure. You left your pajama pants on before exiting your room, knocking twice on your sisters' doors. "Girls, Joan's home." The two rooms exploded with sound at that, covers were being thrown off and outfits thrown on.

  "Are you serious?"

  "No way!"

  "Do you think she'll tell us about Sanctum?"

  "Please... let me sleep..."

  "You'll have to come downstairs to find out," you responded to your sisters' antics before making your way downstairs yourself. Your dad greeted you first,

  "Good morning, Son." You responded with a curt nod. Your father was a beast of a man with shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes, as well as a five o'clock shadow around his face. Your mother planted a quick kiss on your cheek. She shared most of your characteristics. Same hair, eyes, and skin tone. Her hair had been straightened recently, and was tied over her shoulder in a side-braid. And then there was Joan. She stood a full head higher than you and had a blue coat with a white shirt, a skinny tie around her neck. She wore combat boots and black slacks. But what really drew your attention was the lance strapped to her back. Its head was leaf shaped, and it had a small jet engine on its pommel. Crocea Mors hung over the fireplace where it belonged.

  I guess she doesn't need it anymore with that thing. "Hey Joan," You said.

  "Hey (Y/N)," She responded.

Arcfall (Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now