Chapter Six

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"Dust-infused steel? Is that even a thing?" You asked as you sipped on a cup of coffee. It had been three days since Qrow had told you to design a weapon. You had decided that you needed three things. First, you wanted to stick with a one-handed sword. Make it as long as possible while still wieldable in one hand. You had then spent a few days testing different sword lengths before making a final decision. That final decision wound up being three and a half feet of blade length, with an extra foot of handle. Second, it needed to transform. This was more of a requirement from Qrow than you, but it was a requirement none the less. You had devised a scabbard that was also a blade itself. The crossguard on your sword turned upwards like a pair of horns that would lock into place and combine the two into one. The locking mechanism was controlled by your aura, naturally. This allowed you to switch between your two sword modes without warning, throwing your greatsword blade at your opponent at will, and ensuring that they didn't know whether you were sheathing your blade to switch modes or for the ah, third reason. You wanted the blade to be able to extend your semblance. Both parts of the blade.

"It's really fucking expensive," Qrow said, "but yes. If we make core of the blade out of ice dust steel, and the edge out of fire dust steel then you'll be able to keep your blade burning with your semblance without actually consuming the blade. As for the ice dust, it'll be unnaturally cold to the touch, and should absorb heat from things naturally. This way, you can sap the heat through your handle-"

"And then take it with my semblance. Pretty sneaky Qrow, there's just one problem," you finished.

"And what's that?"

"I don't know how to turn my semblance off. Every day when I wake up my bedsheets are frozen to my skin. People complain when I touch their hands. And that flask you gave me?" You held up an old metal flask. 'May you never go to hell but always be on your way.' Cute. "It's always ice despite my attempts. If I grab that handle, I'll freeze my skin to it."

"Then I guess you'll just have to learn to control your semblance," Qrow replied.

"Not every semblance can be turned off! Some-" You started before Qrow interrupted,

"I know what a semblance that's a curse looks like! Yours isn't one! Just like people they evolve and change! There isn't a shortcut here, you just need to practice, practice, and when you think you've done enough practice some more! Now get over here and help me draft up what you want engraved on your scabbard. No apprentice of mine is going to have an ugly weapon." Qrow's outburst had caught you flat footed, but you were glad for it. You could use a distraction and much that you hated to admit it, he was right. No shortcuts, only practice. You would learn how to control your semblance.

"How about the Arc symbol? It's cool," You answered.

"Overdone. Do you have a personal symbol?" You shook your head at Qrow's question. "Well then, let's make one."


"Huh choo-shung tza-jiao duh tzang-huo!" You swore as you pulled an ursa spine from your shoulder, letting the blood run down your arm freely. You had made it most of the way south, but three ursai had ambushed you. They were dispatched easily, naturally, but you were already running on fumes and one got a lucky shot with its spine when it died. On the plus side, you had sapped some heat with Chill. You rested your hand on a gem in the pommel. Normally a pale white, like the blade, it had grown to a dull blue. Not enough to start incinerating grimm, but enough for your purposes. You quickly sapped its heat, returning it to its normal white tone. The spine hadn't gone all the way through but you still needed to stop the bleeding. You placed your hand on your arm and focused, holding your breath as you switched off your semblance. You remembered how hard it had been to simply not freeze a flask of water once, and let out a chuckle. Then, you did the hard part. You turned off your defenses and started to cauterize the wound. Every muscle in your body was screaming at you to reactivate your semblance, but you held long enough to stop the bleeding before your survival instincts kicked in and reignited your heat absorption. You examined the wound. Another scar. Wonderful. Your hand instinctively reached for your back. They still hadn't faded after all these years. At first you thought they were getting smaller, but in the end you were just getting bigger. No. Not now. Stay focused. You're almost there. You took a deep breath and started to walk towards the exit. Your aura had made a slight recharge. You were almost there. Just a few more yards. You almost didn't hear the thrumming of wings and as a result you made your dodge by a hair's breadth, tucking your knees to your chest and falling into a roll. You brought your head up to look at your foe. A sphinx, with eyes piss yellow stared you down as it stood over your exit, wings outstretched. You grabbed your Gods of Light and Dark necklace, tore it from your neck and threw it to the ground. You didn't need any divine help. If they were going to do this to you, you were going to do this without them.

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