Chapter Two

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  "Does anyone in this fucking valley know anything about the grimm?" You asked the green recruits in front of you. The whole army remained silent. "Of course not, why would soldiers be educated on how to kill grimm?" You let out a sigh and took a long drink of whiskey from your flask. "These things will not bleed out and die. You have to cut them in half, riddle them with holes, or destroy the head. They do not retreat, they do not bleed, and they do not care about missing limbs. When they come, those of you in the back will focus on the air. We still have forty-five minutes before our cannons will rain hell down on those bastards. When that happens, we all pull into a retreat. This is the kill box. Anyone still in it is a dead man, is that clear?" a few nods from nervous soldiers answered your question. "Alright let's go over this again."


  "Get off me!" You shouted to three of your sisters who currently had you pinned down. They had already managed to slip you into a white dress, now it was just a matter of braiding your hair. Your brother Jaune had already lost his fight. He had two braids going down his temples with flowers weaved in between them. Your last sister was taking pictures and doting over him, poor boy. You however, would not give up so easily. You almost had your hands free, thanks to all the sweat from the struggling. Almost... there... Ziiiiiiiiip. No, no. no. no. no. You struggled your wrists even harder than before, only to encounter hard plastic keeping them in place. "Did you tie me up with cable ties!?" A giggle answered your question along with a second zip sound. "I despise all of you."

  "Even him?" One of your sisters asked as she lifted Jaune up in a frilly pink dress.

  "Of course not-" The sound of duct tape stretching interrupted you. "Don't. You. Dare." Your sisters giggled as they duct-taped your mouth shut and drew a new smile in place of the frown it was hiding as well as slipping you into two high-heels. Their work was finally compete. They managed to get you downstairs and set you into a chair with Jaune on your lap.

  "Smile for the camera!" You put on your best death glare as your sisters took their places around you. Everyone, save for Joan and your parents were in the photo, and much that you hated to admit it, you did look pretty damn good.


  "Keep putting rounds into that Nevermore! Do not let it circle around again!" More soldiers had been skewered by that monstrosity that you had lost to the entirety of the land based grimm. Plenty of bodies stuck into the air at awkward angles with feathers sticking out of their chests. Boom. The sounds of cannons reassured your fears. "You hear that! That's the comforting thunder of the big guns! Everyone, retreat!" Soldiers cheered as they turned tail and ran, the sound of more shots echoing in the air, causing grimm to fly apart in pieces. We did it. We held.


  "Fuck!" You shouted as you hit your thumb with a hammer.

  "Language," Your father responded.

  "Would you prefer I swear in mistrali?" You asked with your injured thumb in your mouth. Your dad chuckled at that.

  "I heard your application to sanctum got rebuked. I'm sorry."

  "Joan's doing. She's still on friendly terms with the teachers there. I'll just go somewhere else."

  "Not many combat academies will take someone who got an implicit deny."

  "By which you mean none. I'll figure something out."

Arcfall (Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now