Chapter Thirty Eight

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   "SCATTER!" You shouted at the top of your lungs as Goodwitch's stare pierced your soul. Jaune and Nora took off immediately, making for the opposite doors without a second thought. Ren and Pyrrha hesitated, however, looking awkwardly at each other before calmly walking for an exit together. All the while, Goodwitch didn't break eye contact. You could hear each individual click of Glynda's heels as she stalked towards you, riding crop in hand.

   "I hope you realize I expect you to help me clean this mess up," She said, venom dripping with each word.

   "Yes ma'am."

"And that you will be held accountable for any damages caused during this impromptu training session," she added, staring you down.

   "Yes ma'am."

   "And that I'm very pleased you've taken to training students of your own accord," she spat.

   "Yes ma'am." A few seconds of silence passed after you spoke before her words fully processed. Confusion played across your face before you asked, "wait, what?" Goodwitch finally burst into laughter at your confusion. It was a lighthearted and bright laugh, a sound you had never heard before in all your years.

   "You're not in any trouble, (Y/N)," Goodwitch continued, "although I do need you to try and lay off the sauce while on school property.

   "I'm not in trouble for destroying the combat arena?" You asked.

   "Of course not, part of the reason Ozpin hired me is because he knew things like this would happen," Goodwitch responded, "I'm ecstatic to see you teaching students without us having to ask you. And I heard what you said to Ms. Valkyrie. I think you could help her a lot in her studies with her semblance." You squinted at Glynda and leaned in a few inches, examining her face closely.

   "Who are you and what have you done with Beacon's combat instructor?" You asked, half-serious. Glynda's cheerful facade vanished.

   "That's about all the lip I'm going to put up with from you, young man," She responded, "now I'm going to hold these broken pieces of floor in place while you fuse them together, is that clear?"

   "Ah, there she is," you said as you knelt by the damages you had caused.


   "God DAMN IT!" Joan shouted to the heavens. She had lost the Belladonna girl again. Not only had team RWBY just happened to run into Ironwood's pet project of all people, who shouldn't be outside of the base, but after going back to their dorms the Belladonna girl had managed to vanish into the city, and Joan didn't have the slightest idea where she was! "Fine, Joan," she muttered to herself, "you can't keep track of your suspect, so focus on what you can do." Joan whipped out her scroll and called Ironwood. "Hey, James? I just saw a certain red-headed cadet wandering the street earlier today."

   "And you're sure it was Penny?" The soldier asked for a third time. A pair of rank and file troops had been ordered to retrieve the girl.

   "Yes, I'm sure. She's in the city. Shouldn't Pietro be looking after her?" Joan asked.

   "Pietro shares our reservations about acclimating her to new people," the soldier said, "but he also thinks she should have the opportunity to be a normal girl, and that the decision should ultimately be hers."

  "Whatever, I don't have time for this. Just make sure you find her, I have my own business in Vale," Joan responded as she turned and walked away.


   You lifted a pair of welding goggles you had borrowed off your face as you finished melting the last of the arena back together with your fingers.

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