Chapter Thirty One

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Joan's POV

  "Congratulations on making it in!" Joan said, offering a hand to Ruby and Yang, which was promptly ignored in favor of a hug.

  "Thank you!" Ruby replied, squeezing all the life from Joan, "I'm surprised to see you and not (Y/N), though."

  "He's checking up on our brother," Joan replied as she pulled Ruby off by her cloak, setting her down by her hood. Ruby pouted the whole time. "But he does send his best wishes," Joan added. Yang quickly picked up Ruby's suitcase and began to carry it towards what was presumably their dorm.

  "Any advice for an aspiring huntress?" Ruby asked as she and Joan followed Yang.

  "As a former team leader my best suggestion is to stock up on an absurd amount of toiletries every time you go on a mission," Joan replied, "oh, and no matter what, don't let anyone talk you into putting hot sauce anywhere other than your food." Ruby let out a long,

  "Uhhhhh," before giving Yang an awkward glance. Yang simply shrugged as she turned into their dorm room.

  "Look, when on a mission you're going to be bored as FUCK a lot of the time. Hunters are trained to handle the most intense of circumstances, but spending most of a mission just waiting around," Joan said, "and so many goddamn idiots decided to put the hottest things they could between their-"

  "We're here!" Yang shouted, interrupting Joan's story, "come meet the rest of the team." Joan followed Ruby around the corner as Yang put their suitcases beside their beds. Joan hovered in the doorway as Ruby collapsed on her bed, doing her best to stretch to all corners. A solitary girl sat at one of the desks, nose deep in a book, while at the other end of the room a girl ran a brush through her long white hair.

  That must be the Schnee, Joan thought. After a few moments the girl with the white hair put a metal pin resembling a crown in her ponytail, holding it in place.

  "Weiss, this is-" Ruby started before being interrupted by Weiss,

  "Joan arc, one of the women who won the Vytal festival. She almost did so twice."

  "(Y/N) never mentioned that," Yang asked, "is there anything else we should know?"

  "Probably that (Y/N), her brother, is the one who defeated her the second time as a freshman," the Schnee said.

  "What? (Y/N) won the Vytal festival?" Ruby asked as she sat upright.

  "You were too young to be watching it but yeah, he and I actually fought in the final round," Joan said, awkwardly confessing.

  "I'm still not sure how he beat you," the Schnee said, "you had every advantage, how did one dust crystal end the fight?"

  "Most people who watched the fight were confused because they didn't know his semblance," Joan said.

  "Heat absorption and manipulation," the girl who had been reading finally spoke, "he had no more fuel until he stole your dust crystal."

  "Not many people figured that out on their own," Joan said as she examined the girl, who had put down her book. She had a bow on her head and long black hair, and behind her was a weapon that would dispense casings like those found off to the side of the train tracks. Joan strode forward and offered her hand, "Joan Arc. I'm afraid I don't know who you are." The girl stood.

  "Blake Belladonna," she said, "A pleasure to meet you." Joan's eyes fell on her bow, which gave a slight twitch, clearly hiding something inhuman. In addition she was familiar with the Belladonnas, whose daughter was currently missing. And to top it all off she had the eyes of a predator. Joan had only ever seen eyes that hardened on someone this young when she fought her brother all those years ago. By product of luck, she might have found her missing train robber.

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