Chapter Twenty Two

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  (A/N): Warning! While this chapter is not a lemon, it will have references to foreplay, which makes it a lime I guess? Anyways, enjoy.


  "Do you have a plan?" Joan asked you as you rode back up in the elevator.

  "You keep an eye on beacon while I chase the leads in the shadows. I'm new to Vale so I'll have better luck with information brokers and everyone else on the shady side of town," you replied.

  "That works for me. Do you need a place to stay?" Joan asked. You shook your head.

  "I have an apartment on the aforementioned shady side of town," you replied. Joan nodded. The elevator dinged and you walked out.

  "Hey (Y/N)?" Joan asked.


  "Please be careful," Joan requested earnestly.

  "Not a chance," you replied before heading off into the night. You had an appointment at Junior's.


  The walk to the club was quiet at first, but as soon as you were a few blocks away, you could hear the pounding music. Techno remixes of a few common songs blared, along with something that sounded like it was original, but you weren't entirely sure. You quickened your pace as you felt a light sprinkle brush your hair. You drew your hood up. It was beginning to look like rain. As you threw open the club's doors you were greeted by the warmth of sweaty bodies pressing against each other, moving rhythmically to the music. You smiled and made your way over to the nearby bar, ignoring the dance floor for the time being.

  "Crown Royal, please," you said as you took a seat.

  "On the rocks?" The burly bartender behind the counter asked as he reached for a glass. You shook your head,

  "I'd prefer it neat. And make it a double." The bartender grunted at your answer and poured your blended whiskey into a half glass before moving onto other patrons. You ran your fingers around the edge of the glass absentmindedly as you eyed the joint. The place was well guarded. Several armed guards watched the bar, the front door, and a very tall black haired man. You took your drink and strode towards him, sipping on your whiskey as you moved. "Junior, I presume?" You asked. The man eyed you curiously." He was a beast, easily clearing six feet, nearly reaching seven. Still not as tall as Hel though.

  "That I am," Junior replied. You put on a fake smile,

  "I'm new in town. Only live a few blocks away, in fact, and I was hoping to ask you about the neighborhood." You added as much sweetness to your voice as you could without sounding fake and condescending. You had played this game before. The dumber you seemed, the more he would be willing to talk.

  "I run a club. This isn't a HOA, kid," Junior said with a sneer. You forced your smile to stay put as the word 'kid' left his mouth before cocking your head and pretending to be confused.

  "But I heard you were the premiere source of information in Vale," Junior's men reached for their swords as you spoke, "and I need information on people." Junior remained unconvinced,

  "Try the internet. Maybe you should have checked before you bought." You dropped your fake smile and voice,

  "Fine. Let's talk business. I need files on all the major players in Vale, two hundred lien a pop." A few of the younger thugs seemed slightly off put by your sudden change in demeanor.

  "Four," Junior replied.

  "Three twenty five," you responded. Junior seemed pensive for a moment,

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