Chapter Fifty Three

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You watched the scene on your scroll over and over again in silence. Yang turning on Mercury. No reason, no remorse. And then your thought to the plan. And to Emerald. And to the end goal.

"I'm sorry-" Cinder started before you interrupted,

"No, don't apologize. I knew the risks. This is far better than her getting hurt anyway." You did your best to smother your anger, but it would be a lie to say you weren't boiling. "I agreed to this plan. I won't back out because someone I cared about got framed," you continued.

"I didn't think you would. But it's okay if you're a little..." Cinder paused as she spoke, trying to find the right word.

"On edge?" Mercury asked, tinkering with his robotic leg.

"I was going to say raw," Cinder finished.

"I'm okay. I won't jeopardize the plan," you said. You wouldn't. You couldn't. You were in too deep to pull out now. Tensions were running high just like they wanted, and while Yang might look like a bloodthirsty menace to the crowd, she wasn't hurt. It was better if she made it through this a little distraught mentally, but still in one piece. Cinder laying her hand on your shoulder brought your attention back to the present.

"I'm not worried about the plan. I'm worried about you," Cinder said. You bit the inside of your cheek at her words. Were they real or a way of keeping you on her side?

"I'm sorry. It's just... I think I should talk to her. Whatever happens, I consider her a friend," you said. Cinder's words still rattled around inside your skull. Did it matter if they were fake? Did you care?

"Of course. Just remember-" Cinder started before you interrupted.

"I won't tip her off. I'm just going to make sure she's okay."

"Good," Cinder replied. The softness in her voice was gone. She wasn't playing nice. In one moment she meant everything to you. In the next, she was your boss. You nodded your head before you departed. It was fine if they got hurt. As long as they made it through in one piece.


"Who knows? Maybe I am," Yang's voice said from the other side of her door.

"Crazy, got it," Qrow said. You balled your main hand into a fist as he spoke before forcing yourself to calm down. You couldn't tell him she wasn't. You couldn't tell her she wasn't. You let the conversation between the two fade into the background as you leaned against the wall. You weren't here for her. You were here for you. Trying to make yourself feel better. Trying to have it both ways. Qrow would be better for her anyway. It was probably for the best if you just-

"(Y/N)?" Ruby called out from down the hallway. You turned at the sound of her voice.

"Hey, shortstack. I came to talk to Yang but it looks like Qrow's got it handled," you replied, "So I'm gonna head back."

"Well," Ruby said as she stepped forward, "you could always talk to me?" You paused for a moment before heading down the hallway with her.

"Yeah, okay. Let me buy you some cotton candy, kid."


You ate in silence for a while before Ruby finally broke it.

"So, how's work?" She asked. It was a safe choice, considering how you had been lately. And it was a question you couldn't be one hundred percent honest about.

"Work's been... bad," you replied, "mostly for reasons I'm not allowed to talk with you about."

"Oh. That's too bad," Ruby said. "How are things with Jaune?" She tried again.

"I haven't seen him for a few days. I should probably call him soon," you replied. Ruby looked sheepish at your answer.

"You're not very good at this small talk thing, are you?" You asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Ruby started before you interrupted.

"It's fine, I can tell you're really trying. No need to apologize," You said, carefully considering your next response before speaking, "I'm considering resigning. I'm not sure I want to do this anymore."

"Oh. Does this have to do with the night of the dance?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, it does. Ozpin told me something. Something I'm not allowed to tell you. I can't take the secrets for much longer, or watching kids get hurt," you said.

"Oh," Ruby said, "I'm not sure what to say."

"Even so, thank you for listening," you replied, "You and Yang, I don't say it often enough but you're like family to me too. Same as Jaune and my Sister."

"Well, I guess I should say thank you. For telling me," Ruby replied, a smile plastered across her face. You returned with a bittersweet smile of your own. You hoped she didn't get hurt in what came next.


You sat alone for a few hours, staring up at the open sky. It was going to be here. Soon. All that was left to do was wait. You could have gone to Cinder. She would have been overjoyed to have you by her side. You could have gone to Jaune too. Made sure he made it out alive once the shit show started. But there wasn't anyone you wanted to be with. No, loneliness suited you just fine in the end.

"(YYYYYYYY/NNNNNNN)" Nora's voice called out, "what are you doing sitting out here all by yourself?"

"I could ask you the same. Where's Ren? I thought you too would be enjoying the fairgrounds together?" You asked. Nora took a seat next to you on the bench.

"Ren's taking all the stuffed animals I won him back to the dorm. He was starting to have trouble walking around," Nora replied. You let out a hearty laugh before taking your eyes off the clouds and turning them to Nora.

"Damn. I've been so busy with work that I didn't take any time to actually enjoy the Vytal festival. This is going to be the last one I'm at for... for a very long time," You said.

"Well that's no fun," Nora replied, "I can't imagine life without deep-fried festival foods and drinks that are more sugar than liquid."

"I should have bought a funnel cake or two. Certainly better than watching the fights," you said before standing.

"Anything's good if it's got looooooads of powdered sugar," Nora replied before you took a knee in front of her, laying both hands on her shoulders.

"Do me a favor, kid? Take care of your friends," You said as you locked eyes with her.

"Y-yeah of course (Y/N)," Nora said, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," you replied before taking a long drink of whiskey from your flask, "just saying goodbye." You turned and walked away from the confused Nora and towards Amity Coliseum. It wouldn't be long now.


Author's Note: Hey, good to see y'all are enjoying. I've been back for a hot minute but have been neglecting author's notes for a while now. I've been getting more writing done than any other time in my life because of a little program called stimuwrite and hitting a good spot in my personal life, so we're back. Thanks for sticking around, as always I hope you all enjoyed and I look forward to seeing you all next time... Boop~

P.S. This chapter was a little rushed so you might get notifications that I edit it a little.

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