Chapter Eleven

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"AND WELCOME TO THE DOUBLES ROUND LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" The Vacuo announcer shouted. The crowd erupted into cheers, although a few people booed. Mostly fans that were sad Pat wasn't chosen to go on to the doubles round and people who thought your opponent's gun had simply misfired. They thought it was luck. You scoffed. You could go full-force with your semblance now. The smart ones would get it. You looked to your opponents as Dusty opened A.D.D.Y.'s iris to full. One had shaggy brown hair and held a round shield and metal staff. The other had what looked like a normal katana. "(Y/N) NO LAST NAME-" Thanks Qrow "AND DIANA WHITE VERSUS BRIAN BULL AND LILY SCARLET."

"Try not to disappoint," Lily quipped. Brian smirked. You looked at Brian and asked,

"Are you going to answer her?" Brian's smirk turned to a frown. He put his shield between you and him, and pointed his staff at you. You flexed both hands, leaving Chill and Char on your back.

"Him first?" Dusty asked.

"Yup," You replied. Katana girl snickered as the terrain behind them turned to a marsh.

Well that's not good, you thought as your terrain turned to a volcano. You smirked.

That is.

"BEGIN!" the announcer shouted. You snapped both fingers, sending a V of fire past Brian, funneling heat into the walls of flame you had created, making them rise higher and higher. Brian ignored the flames and charged forward. You stepped to the side, revealing Dusty behind you with A.D.D.Y. Dusty fired the laser straight into Brian, who had no room to evade thanks to your flames. He took cover behind his shield, digging his heels into the ground as the shield slowly disintegrated and he was pushed back. You left them to their duel and turned to Lily, who had her blade raised and was charging you. You drew Chill and caught her blade in an overhead slice before delivering a swift kick to her stomach, sending her sprawling backwards.

"Ouch," Lily said, clutching her stomach with one hand while holding her sword in the other.

"You know we figured out how to make better swords about four centuries ago, right?" you asked, pointing at her katana with Chill. Behind you you could hear swearing as Brian was being slowly pushed into the tip of the V.

"You know they aren't better, just traded speed for toughness!" Lily responded, rushing you and slicing incredibly quickly. You responded with equal speed, batting her blade aside.

"Aww, did you think that katanas were some incredibly fast piece of equipment that couldn't be matched in speed?" you darted forward, delivering slashes much faster than she could keep up and chipping away her aura. Brian was screaming now. His shield had a hole in it and he was stuck in the fire. Dusty closed A.D.D.Y.'s iris a bit, keeping him on the edge of the flames but not pushing him back any more. Lily's breathing became ragged as she split her katana, pulling a smaller blade from the pommel. She pressed a button on each and they burst into flame. You rolled your eyes. "Fire, really? Are you sure using fire to fight me is a good idea?" You quipped, gesturing to her burning comrade.

"Shut up!" Lily shouted, rushing you with her burning blades. You quickly sheathed Chill and waited. You let your right hand fall to your side and kept your left on Char. Then, holding both blades forward she stabbed at you. You stopped the smaller with your right hand, but let the katana connect as you brought Char down and shattered it into three pieces. Lily's eyes went wide as you sucked the fire from her dagger before pushing your semblance into Char, spinning in a circle and slamming the now flaming blade into her, sending her out of the arena and slamming into the stands. Dusty threw a beaten Brian at your feet, completely devoid of aura.

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